COVA, Paolo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.839
NA - Nord America 5.829
AS - Asia 3.191
SA - Sud America 29
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 15
AF - Africa 13
OC - Oceania 8
Totale 14.924
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.681
CN - Cina 2.069
IT - Italia 1.861
IE - Irlanda 1.046
SE - Svezia 769
SG - Singapore 759
FI - Finlandia 692
DE - Germania 520
UA - Ucraina 505
TR - Turchia 240
CA - Canada 147
GB - Regno Unito 102
FR - Francia 87
BE - Belgio 64
IN - India 43
AT - Austria 33
RU - Federazione Russa 32
NL - Olanda 19
BR - Brasile 17
JP - Giappone 17
RO - Romania 16
CH - Svizzera 15
EU - Europa 15
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 14
ES - Italia 14
LT - Lituania 12
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 12
TW - Taiwan 11
HK - Hong Kong 10
IR - Iran 10
PK - Pakistan 9
PL - Polonia 8
CO - Colombia 7
AU - Australia 6
CI - Costa d'Avorio 6
DK - Danimarca 4
VN - Vietnam 4
EC - Ecuador 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
NO - Norvegia 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
DZ - Algeria 2
HU - Ungheria 2
ID - Indonesia 2
IL - Israele 2
LB - Libano 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
MY - Malesia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PE - Perù 2
AL - Albania 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
EE - Estonia 1
EG - Egitto 1
GR - Grecia 1
HR - Croazia 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
KR - Corea 1
MA - Marocco 1
MX - Messico 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PT - Portogallo 1
SC - Seychelles 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 14.924
Città #
Dublin 1.031
Chandler 997
Jacksonville 591
Singapore 563
Beijing 527
Ann Arbor 450
Ashburn 403
Boardman 333
Dearborn 281
Nanjing 279
Parma 264
Princeton 221
Izmir 219
San Mateo 174
Shanghai 152
Wilmington 141
New York 108
Nanchang 105
Grafing 90
Shenyang 89
Hefei 85
Toronto 83
Kunming 80
Rome 80
Jinan 78
Helsinki 77
Bremen 68
Hebei 65
Santa Clara 62
Milan 61
Brussels 57
Los Angeles 56
Bologna 50
Jiaxing 44
Tianjin 44
Ottawa 38
Guangzhou 37
Des Moines 35
Changsha 34
Fremont 34
Norwalk 33
Modena 31
Dallas 29
Seattle 28
Woodbridge 28
Houston 25
Naples 25
Vienna 25
Napoli 23
Zhengzhou 23
Genoa 21
Haikou 19
Bari 18
Cagliari 18
Hangzhou 17
Saint Petersburg 17
Falls Church 15
Frankfurt am Main 15
London 15
Marseille 15
Mordano 15
Pune 15
Redwood City 15
Chengdu 14
Fuzhou 14
Istanbul 14
Redmond 14
Reggio Emilia 14
Florence 13
Genova 13
Bratislava 12
Fidenza 12
Formigine 12
Udine 12
Como 11
Stockholm 11
Wuhan 11
Carpi 10
Lanzhou 10
Ningbo 10
Taiyuan 10
Verona 10
Catania 9
Neubiberg 9
Palermo 9
Perugia 9
Reggio Nell'emilia 9
Rubiera 9
Segrate 9
Taizhou 9
Ardabil 8
Boretto 8
Brescia 8
Chiari 8
Fairfield 8
Leawood 8
Mestre 8
Tappahannock 8
Turin 8
Amsterdam 7
Totale 9.049
Nome #
Elettronica analogica - 60 semplici esercizi svolti 1.332
Development of a PV modules soiling monitoring system for smart maintenance 133
Device-Sensor Assembly FEA Modeling to Support Kalman-Filter-Based Junction Temperature Monitoring 128
Smart soiling sensor for PV modules 125
CHARM facility remotely controlled platform at CERN: A new fault-tolerant redundant architecture 114
Design and Control of a High-density High-voltage Smart Converter for Food Ohmic Heating 111
Correlation between OCVD carrier lifetime vs temperature measurements and reverse recovery behavior of the body diode of SiC power MOSFETs 110
Comprehensive control system for parallelable 60Hz-2MVA harbor AC/AC converters 106
A method to extract lumped thermal networks of capacitors for reliability oriented design 106
Development of a GaN based Triple-Active-Bridge for DC nanogrid 102
Oscillating water column power conversion: a technology review 102
Thermal damage in SiC Schottky diodes induced by SE heavy ions 101
Parallel-connected bidirectional converters for avionic applications 101
A low cost monitoring system of PV modules in nanogrid 98
A Gaseous Argon-Based Near Detector to Enhance the Physics Capabilities of DUNE 98
PV Modules Interfacing Isolated Triple Active Bridge for Nanogrid Applications 95
Cold plates easy design software tool for industrial electronic applications 95
Temperature-dependent breakdown and hot carrier stress of PHEMTs 94
A Neural Network based Approach to Simulate Electro-thermal Device Interaction in SPICE Environment 94
Band to band recombination peak in the light emission of commercial pseudomorphic HEMTs 93
A software tool for the design of high power PiN diodes based on the numerical study of the reverse characteristics 93
Development aspects of a modular integrated 1200V-35A SiC MOSFET bi-directional switch 93
Thermal Design of Power Electronic Devices and Modules 93
H+ Irradiation for reverse recovery softness and reliability of power p-i-n diodes for snubberless applications 90
A novel thermomechanics-based lifetime prediction model for cycle fatigue failure mechanisms in power semiconductors 88
An Hybrid Actuator for Reduced Harmonic Content Motion 88
A software tool for thermal simulation and rating evaluation of high power silicon devices 86
Caratterizzazione dielettrica di film ceramici sottili ad alta frequenza con condensatori interdigitati 85
Modeling of a university campus Micro-Grid for optimal planning of renewable generation and storage deployment 85
A new ultra high power silicon p-i-n diode for high frequency application 84
A study of the high frequency dielectric properties of ferroelectrics 84
Thermal and electro-thermal modeling of components and systems: A review of the research at the University of Parma 84
Ottimizzazione termica di dissipatori per convertitori di potenza per applicazioni in ambienti ostili 83
Non-linear thermal simulation at system level: Compact modelling and experimental validation 83
Riscaldatore ohmico e metodo di funzionamento 83
Anomalous overvoltage oscillations in the reverse recovery of power p-i-n diodes: experiments and simulations 82
Analisi macro/micro termostrutturale di dispositivi elettronici di potenza 82
Comparison of the heat transfer capabilities of conventional single- and two-phase cooling systems for electric vehicle IGBT power module 82
Light emission spectra of commercial pseudomorphic HEMTs biased in the impact ionization regime 81
Efficient thermal modeling – Compact boundary conditions for electro-thermal problems 81
An Iterative Refining Approach to Design the Control of Wave Energy Converters with Numerical Modeling and Scaled HIL Testing 81
Wave energy converter: a brief review of WECs technology and some aspects of oscillating wave column converter design 79
Caratterizzazione ed affidabilità di dispositivi elettronici ed optoelettronici a semiconduttori composti 79
A methodology to determine reliability issues in automotive SiC power modules combining 1D and 3D thermal simulations under driving cycle profiles 79
Robust snubberless soft-switching power converter using SiC power MOSFETs and bespoke thermal design 78
A physical model of the behavior of GaAs MESFETs in the linear region 76
Power supply distribution system for calorimeters at the LHC beyond the nominal luminosity 76
Metrological Characterization of Cold Plates for Power Converters 76
Riscaldatore ohmico 75
Snowmass Neutrino Frontier: DUNE Physics Summary 74
Developments on DC/DC converters for the LHC experiment upgrades 73
Off-State Breakdown in GaAs Power HFETs 73
Thermal modeling of high-frequency DC/DC switching modules: electromagnetic and thermal simulation of magnetic components 72
A study of acceptor levels induced by intrinsic (carbon) and extrinsic (zinc) doping in GaAs epitaxial layers, MOVPE-grown by liquid metalorganic sources 72
Modular Photovoltaic Inverter with High-Frequency DC/DC Stage Based on Low-Voltage FETs 72
FEM Simulation-Based Failure Analysis of Additive Manufacturing Liquid Cold Plates for More Reliable Power Press-Pack Assemblies 72
Thermo-mechanical structural analysis of a press-packed IGBT 71
Water cold plates for high power converters: A software tool for easy optimized design 71
A new silicon resistor technology for very high power snubbers 71
Thermo-mechanical simulation of a multichip press-packed IGBT 70
Analysis of Heavy Ion Irradiation Induced Thermal Damage in SiC Schottky Diodes 70
Thermal characterization and modeling of power hybrid converters for distributed power systems 70
On the correlation between drain and gate currents and light emission in GaAs – PHEMTs biased in the impact ionization regime 69
Radiation performance of new semiconductor power devices for the LHC experiment upgrades 69
Low-Energy Physics in Neutrino LArTPCs 69
A study of hot electron degradation effects in pseudomorphic HEMTs 68
Power converters for future LHC experiments 68
Thermal-fluid dynamic FEM simulation of advanced water cold plates for power electronics 68
Thermal modeling and characterization for designing reliable power converters for LHC power supplies 68
Review of oscillating water column converters 68
Numerical analysis and experimental tests for solder joints power cycling optimization 68
Analysis of hot electron degradations in pseudomorphic HEMTs by DCTS and LF noise characterization 67
A Main Converter for future LHC experiments: features measurement and reliability considerations 67
Thermal modeling and characterization of power converters for LHC power supplies 67
High reliable high power diode for welding applications 67
Heat management for power converters in sealed enclosures: A numerical study 67
Electro-thermal simulation of semiconductor devices and hybrid circuits 66
Cathodoluminescence from hot electron stressed InP HEMTs 66
Simulazione termoelettrica e prove di vita accelerate di diodi PiN per elevate potenze 66
Accelerated life testing and thermo-mechanical simulation in power electronic device development 66
Light emission in commercial pseudomorphic HEMTs 65
The Apollo project: LV power supplies for the next high energy physics experiments 65
Very high temperature test of InP-based laser diodes 65
FEM analysis of a HF coreless transformer for automotive applications 65
Study of the high frequency dielectric properties of SrBi2Ta2O9 ferroelectric thin films 64
A MATLAB based approach for electro-thermal design of power converters 64
Energy distribution in hostile environment: power converters and devices 64
Coupled measurement-simulation procedure for very high power fast recovery – Soft behavior diode design and testing 63
Full SiC Integrated Power Converter Module with Replaceable Building Blocks 63
Power GaN FET boards thermal and electromagnetic optimization by FE modeling 63
Fault tolerant digital control of 2 MVA parallelable frequency converters for harbor applications 63
DC and RF instability of GaAs-based PHEMTs due to hot electrons 62
Caratterizzazione del degrado di laser di pompa a 980 nm mediante elettroluminescenza ed analisi dello spettro di emissione sottosoglia 62
Power distribution architecture for high energy physics hostile environment 62
Thermal modeling of planar transformer for switching power converters 62
Dynamic electro-thermal modeling for power device assemblies 62
Lifetime extrapolation for IGBT modules under realistic operation conditions 61
FE-Modeling and Physical Testing of IGBTs for Press-Packaging 61
Totale 9.202
Categoria #
all - tutte 55.438
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 55.438

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.591 0 0 0 0 179 247 335 82 195 259 116 178
2020/20211.571 31 122 132 62 217 95 172 37 388 55 210 50
2021/20221.291 35 48 50 67 70 129 125 155 70 108 97 337
2022/20233.937 443 355 231 330 328 420 36 237 1.278 36 162 81
2023/20241.810 116 126 45 44 143 402 166 150 69 153 144 252
2024/20251.493 198 344 404 418 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.449