BROGGI, Alberto
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.505
EU - Europa 3.816
AS - Asia 2.347
AF - Africa 53
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 15
SA - Sud America 7
OC - Oceania 3
Totale 11.746
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.385
CN - Cina 1.401
IE - Irlanda 829
FI - Finlandia 771
SE - Svezia 706
SG - Singapore 595
UA - Ucraina 558
DE - Germania 386
IT - Italia 249
TR - Turchia 234
CA - Canada 120
AT - Austria 105
GB - Regno Unito 94
BE - Belgio 53
CI - Costa d'Avorio 49
IN - India 49
FR - Francia 31
IR - Iran 22
EU - Europa 15
KR - Corea 14
NL - Olanda 7
TW - Taiwan 7
HK - Hong Kong 5
JP - Giappone 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
HR - Croazia 3
ID - Indonesia 3
PE - Perù 3
PT - Portogallo 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
AL - Albania 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
ES - Italia 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 2
LT - Lituania 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PH - Filippine 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AR - Argentina 1
AU - Australia 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BR - Brasile 1
CL - Cile 1
DK - Danimarca 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EE - Estonia 1
ET - Etiopia 1
GR - Grecia 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LY - Libia 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
VN - Vietnam 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 11.746
Città #
Chandler 956
Dublin 826
Jacksonville 716
Santa Clara 627
Singapore 497
Dearborn 405
Beijing 283
Ashburn 258
Ann Arbor 252
Nanjing 229
Izmir 217
Boardman 206
San Mateo 172
Princeton 162
Shanghai 130
Wilmington 109
Vienna 103
Toronto 100
Kunming 83
Nanchang 82
Helsinki 79
New York 78
Shenyang 64
Hefei 60
Brussels 53
Woodbridge 52
Abidjan 49
Hebei 49
Parma 49
Des Moines 48
Jinan 45
Los Angeles 45
Changsha 38
Guangzhou 33
Tianjin 33
Jiaxing 26
Pune 26
Norwalk 22
Iseo 19
Seattle 18
Düsseldorf 16
Fremont 16
Leawood 16
Ottawa 16
Ardabil 15
Grafing 15
Houston 15
Taizhou 14
Augusta 12
Hangzhou 12
Monmouth Junction 12
Rezzato 12
Auburn Hills 11
Dallas 11
Coccaglio 10
Frankfurt am Main 9
Redmond 9
Zhengzhou 9
Falls Church 7
Fuzhou 7
Kocaeli 7
Mumbai 7
Munich 7
Borås 6
Chongqing 6
Haikou 6
Mestre 6
Ningbo 6
San Polo D'enza 6
Taipei 6
Taiyuan 6
Chengdu 5
Como 5
London 5
Mountain View 5
Rockville 5
Rome 5
Wenzhou 5
Wuhan 5
Brno 4
Catania 4
Gussago 4
Lequile 4
Marseille 4
Medesano 4
Milan 4
Modena 4
Xian 4
Bangalore 3
Bologna 3
Bratislava 3
Bremen 3
Brescia 3
Central 3
Fairfield 3
Grandate 3
Lanzhou 3
Lima 3
Montecorvino Rovella 3
Naples 3
Totale 7.724
Nome #
The VisLab Intercontinental Autonomous Challenge: 13,000 km, 3 months, no driver 133
VIAC: an Out of Ordinary Experiment 131
A new approach to urban pedestrian detection for automatic braking 124
Procedimento e sistema per il riconoscimento di segnali stradali con pannelli integrativi 122
Enabling Computer Vision-Based Autonomous Navigation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Cluttered GPS-Denied Environments 119
A 13,000 km Intercontinental Trip with Driverless Vehicles: The VIAC Experiment 115
Il Veicolo Prototipo ARGO: Allestimento e Test 113
An extension to the Inverse Perspective Mapping to handle non-flat roads 110
TerraMax Vision at the Urban Challenge 2007 103
A dedicated image processor exploiting both spatial and instruction-level parallelism 102
Addressing Real-Time Requirements of Automatic Vehicle Guidance with MMX Technology 101
Sensing requirements for a 13,000 km intercontinental autonomous drive 101
A Correlation-Based Approach to Recognition and Localization of the Preceding Vehicle in Highway Environments 99
Automatic Vehicle Guidance: the Experience of the ARGO Vehicle 99
IR Pedestrian Detection for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems 98
Verfahren und System zum erkennen eines Verkehrsteilmers und zum Erzeugen einer Warung 98
Vision Technologies for Intelligent Vehicles 97
Computer vision at the hyundai autonomous challenge 95
2st Report on Integrated Stereo Infrared and Color Human Detection on the ART platform Research Project 95
VisLab's Experience on Autonomous Driving in Extreme Environments 94
Equipment and Capabilities of the Vehicles for the VisLab Intercontinental Autonomous Challenge 93
PROUD?Public Road Urban Driverless-Car Test 93
null 92
Architectural Issues on Vision-based Automatic Vehicle Guidance: the Experience of the ARGO Project 90
Kollisionobject-Erkennungssystem 90
Mobilità sostenibile e tecnologie innovative per la città 89
ARGO Prototype Vehicle 88
Active Pedestrian Protection System, Scenario-Driven Search Method for 88
An Evolutionary Approach to Lane Markings Detection in Road Environments 88
1st Report on Integrated Stereo Infrared and Color Human Detection on the ART platform Research Project 87
Final Report on Integrated Stereo Infrared and Color Human Detection on the ART platform Research Project 87
Experiments in Robotics for Intelligent Road Vehicles 86
Pedestrian Detection in Infrared Images 86
Apparatus, method for detecting critical areas and pedestrian detection apparatus using the same 85
A Cooperative Approach to Vision-based Vehicle Detection 84
A Laserscanner-Vision Fusion System Implemented on the TerraMax Autonomous Vehicle 84
Pedestrian Shape Extraction by means of Active Contours 84
Pedestrian Detection on a Moving Vehicle: an Investigation about Near Infra-Red Images 84
Vision-based Intelligent Vehicles: state of the art and perspectives 83
The Passive Sensing Suite of the TerraMax Autonomous Vehicle 82
Stereo Vision System Performance Analysis 81
Lateral Vehicles Detection Using Monocular High Resolution Cameras on TerraMax 81
A Pedestrian Detector Using Histograms of Oriented Gradients and a Support Vector Machine Classificator 81
Visual Perception and Learning in Road Environments 80
A Smart vision systems for advanced LGV navigation and obstacle detection 80
Kollisionobject-Erkennungssystem 79
Individuazione dei Bordi Strada e della Corsia di Marcia mediante Computazione Massivamente Parallela 79
A Night Vision Module for the Detection of Distant Pedestrians 79
The ARGO Autonomous Vehicle's Vision and Control Systems 79
Collision object e.g. person, searching process for use in motor vehicle, involves searching and identifying collision objects in areas, of original image, where no collision objects are found in intermediate image 79
Fast Vision-based Road Tunnel Detection 79
The VisLab Intercontinental Autonomous Challenge: an Extensive Test for a Platoon of Intelligent Vehicles 79
The Single Frame Stereo Vision System for Reliable Obstacle Detection used during the 2005 Darpa Grand Challenge on TerraMax 79
Boat Speed Monitoring Using Artificial Vision 78
The MilleMiglia in Automatico Tour: Results and Critical Analysis 77
A Modular Tracking System for Far Infrared Pedestrian Recognition 77
Final Report on Integrated Stereo Infrared and Color Human Detection on the ART platform Research Project 77
Applications of Computer Vision to Vehicles: an extreme test 77
Camera-Based Automotive Systems 76
1st Interim Report on Human Shape Localization Research Project 76
1st Report on Integrated Stereo Infrared and Color Human Detection on the ART platform Research Project 76
A radar driven fusion with vision for vehicle detection 75
GOLD: A framework for developing intelligent-vehicle vision applications 75
A stereo vision system for real-time automotive obstacle detection 75
A self-tuning system for real-time optical flow detectionProceedings of IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Conference - SMC 75
A decision network based frame-work for visual off-road path detection problem 74
Experiments using MMX-based processors for real-time image processing on the ARGO vehicle 74
Artificial Vision in Extreme Environments for Snowcat Tracks Detection. 74
TerraMax: Team Oshkosh Urban Robot 74
Shape-based pedestrian detection and localization 73
A real-time oriented system for vehicle detection 73
Guard Rail Detection using Radar and Vision Data Fusion for Vehicle Detection Algorithm Improvement and Speed-up 73
Performance Analysis of a Low-Cost Solution to Vision-Based Obstacle Detection 72
Real Time Road Signs Recognition 72
Real time 3D terrain elevation mapping using ants Optimization Algorithm and stereo vision 72
A Single Frame Stereo Vision System for Reliable Obstacle Detection during Darpa Grand Challenge 2005 72
Artificial Vision in Road Vehicles 71
Development and Test of an Intelligent Vehicle Prototype 71
Vehicle Detection Based on Laser Radar 71
2st Interim Report on Human Shape Localization Research Project 71
A 13.000 km intercontinental trip with driverless vehicles: the VIAC experiment 71
Quintic G2-splines for the Iterative Steering of Vision-based Autonomous Vehicles 70
Combining camera systems for human shape detection 70
Obstacle Detection with Stereo Vision for Off-Road Vehicle Navigation 70
Critical Analysis of Stereo Vision-based Guidance System 69
Final report on human shape localization research project 69
Stereo inverse perspective mapping: theory and applications 69
Data Fusion for Overtaking Vehicle Detection based on Radar and Optical Flow 69
Pedestrian Detection in Far Infrared Images based on the use of Probabilistic Templates 68
A Symmetry-based Validator and Refinement System for Pedestrian Detection in Far Infrared Images 68
智能车辆:智能交通系统的关键技术 68
Pedestrian Detection by means of Far-infrared Stereo Vision 68
High performance multi-track recording system for automotive applications 68
Environment-Detection-and-Mapping Algorithm for Autonomous Driving in Rural or Off-Road Environment 68
PROUD-public road urban driverless test: Architecture and results 67
Tool for Vision based Pedestrian Detection Performance Evaluation 66
Stereo Vision-based Vehicle Detection 66
Stereo-based preprocessing for human shape localization in unstructured environments 66
Disparity Space Image's Features Analysis for Error Prediction of a Stereo Obstacle Detector for Heavy Duty Vehicles 66
Totale 8.331
Categoria #
all - tutte 42.762
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 42.762

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020893 0 0 0 0 0 0 317 75 182 132 23 164
2020/20211.119 9 153 96 7 158 11 101 14 263 19 280 8
2021/2022961 13 27 4 58 38 46 146 156 36 84 96 257
2022/20233.222 316 409 217 282 263 364 25 214 1.019 12 70 31
2023/2024974 62 130 18 19 87 270 57 80 27 47 65 112
2024/20251.625 121 197 244 141 349 562 11 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.783