Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.358
EU - Europa 3.686
AS - Asia 1.882
AF - Africa 18
SA - Sud America 5
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 9.952
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.249
CN - Cina 1.403
IE - Irlanda 708
UA - Ucraina 701
SE - Svezia 557
FI - Finlandia 555
IT - Italia 528
DE - Germania 473
SG - Singapore 315
TR - Turchia 115
CA - Canada 109
GB - Regno Unito 56
IN - India 35
FR - Francia 27
BE - Belgio 25
CH - Svizzera 11
CI - Costa d'Avorio 11
NL - Olanda 11
RO - Romania 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
JP - Giappone 5
EE - Estonia 4
IR - Iran 4
BR - Brasile 3
EG - Egitto 3
HR - Croazia 3
PL - Polonia 3
DZ - Algeria 2
ES - Italia 2
EU - Europa 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
RU - Federazione Russa 2
AR - Argentina 1
AT - Austria 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 9.952
Città #
Jacksonville 802
Chandler 739
Dublin 708
Beijing 417
Dearborn 299
Ashburn 244
Nanjing 230
Singapore 224
Boardman 212
Princeton 180
San Mateo 167
Izmir 110
Wilmington 110
Toronto 103
Ann Arbor 97
Bremen 91
Shenyang 84
Kunming 83
Hefei 79
Helsinki 68
Nanchang 68
New York 68
Shanghai 65
Hebei 58
Jinan 53
Rome 39
Woodbridge 39
Santa Clara 35
Tianjin 33
Des Moines 32
Jiaxing 30
Pune 30
Changsha 28
Milan 27
Brussels 25
Guangzhou 25
Cagliari 24
Parma 24
Norwalk 20
Fremont 17
Los Angeles 17
Zhengzhou 15
Trieste 14
Seattle 13
Abidjan 11
Houston 11
Napoli 11
Modena 10
Taiyuan 10
Auburn Hills 9
Dallas 9
Düsseldorf 9
Fuzhou 9
Tulsa 9
Turin 9
Hangzhou 8
Taizhou 8
Borås 7
Florence 7
Ningbo 7
Rockville 7
Serra 7
Simi Valley 7
Strasbourg 7
Wenzhou 7
Bari 6
Chengdu 6
Chongqing 6
Haikou 6
Padova 6
Palermo 6
Piacenza 6
Teramo 6
Falls Church 5
Grafing 5
Naples 5
Redmond 5
Amsterdam 4
Edinburgh 4
Genoa 4
Kocaeli 4
London 4
Mountain View 4
Pescara 4
Quzhou 4
Tallinn 4
Baotou 3
Bassersdorf 3
Bergamo 3
Bologna 3
Brno 3
Campos dos Goytacazes 3
Crotone 3
Formigine 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Gorle 3
Lanzhou 3
Livorno 3
Lucca 3
Messina 3
Totale 6.171
Nome #
null 241
Carofite, briofite e licofite sintetizzano fitochelatine e possiedono fitochelatina sintasi costitutive e funzionali 198
Analisi proteomica nella diagnosi precoce di fitoplasmosi in Vitis vinifera 102
Cadmium tolerance, cysteine and thiol peptide levels in wild type and chroium-tolerant strains of Scenedesmus acutus (Chlorophyceae) 93
Analisi di accumulo e tolleranza al cadmio in piante di Arabidopsis thaliana che sovraesprimono AtPCS1 92
Responses of Xanthoria parietina thalli to environmentally relevant concentrations of hexavalent chromium 90
Un' atmosfera ricca in CO2 diminiusce lo stress ossidativo ed aumenta il tenore in olio essenziale in foglie di Thymus vulgaris L 83
La risposta delle piante ai metalli pesanti: fitochelatine ed altri meccanismi di difesa. 82
Cadmium stress in carrot hairy roots 81
Biosintesi cadmio-indotta di proteine da stress e fitochelatine in Xanthoria parietina 81
A Cd/Fe/Zn-responsive phytochelatin synthase is constitutively present in the ancient liverwort Lunularia cruciata (L.) Dumort. 81
Effects of chromium on crops 80
Biosintesi cadmio indotta di proteine da stress e fitochelatine in Xanthoria parietina 80
Licheni del Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise. Stato dell'arte. 79
Arbuscular mycorrhizal impact on proteome and populations of nuclei in pea (Pisum sativum) grown in cadmium-contaminated soil 78
A bifasic response to cadmium stress in carrot: early acclimatory mechanisms give way to root collapse further to prolonged metal exposure 77
Phytochelatins govern zinc-copper homeostasis and cadmium detossification in the parasitic interaction beetween Cuscuta campestris and Daucus carota 77
Risposta al cadmio in radici trasformate e colture cellulari di Daucus carota L. e Cucurbita pepo L. 75
The capability to synthesize phytochelatins and the presence of constitutive and functional phytochelatin synthases are ancestral (plesiomorphic) characters for basal land plants 75
Differential responses to Cr(VI)-induced oxidative stress between Cr-tolerant and wild-type strains of Scenedesmus acutus (Chlorophyceae) 75
I licheni come bioindicatori dell’inquinamento dell’aria e bioaccumulatori di metalli pesanti 74
Catharanthus roseus phytoplasmas (chapter 9) 74
Le fitochelatine nei licheni come biomarker dell’inquinamento dell’aria da metalli pesanti 74
Effetto serra? Neppure le piante l’apprezzano 73
Cadmium distribution and effects on ultrastructure and chlorophyll status in photobionts and mycobionts of Xanthoria parietina 71
Analisi della risposta allo stress da cadmio in Physcia adscendens: un approccio proteomico 69
Different compensatory mechanisms in two metal-accumulating aquatic macrophytes exposed to acute cadmium stress in outdoor artificial lakes 69
Antioxidant status, metal distribution and ultrastructural damage in Xanthoria parietina thalli exposed to environmentally-relevant concentrations of hexavalent chromium 68
The phytochelatin synthase from Nitella mucronata (Charophyta) plays a role in the homeostatic control of iron(II)/(III) 68
Oxidative stress and phytochelatin characterisation in bread wheatexposed to cadmium excess 66
Abiotic stresses in plants 65
Brassicaceae (chapter 8). 65
Arsenic accumulation and thiol status in lichens exposed to As(V) in controlled conditions 64
Hydrogen peroxide localization and antioxidant status in the recovery of apricot plants from European Stone Fruit Yellows 64
Analisi della risposta allo stress da cadmio in Physcia adscendens: un approccio proteomico. 64
Response of lichens to heavy metal stress by phytochelatin production 63
First and second line mechanisms of cadmium detoxification in the lichen photobiont Trebouxia impressa (Chlorophyta) 63
Search for molecular mechanisms related to zinc accumulation and tolerance in Thlaspi caerulescens 63
First and second line mechanisms of cadmium detoxification in the lichen photobiont Trebouxia impressa (Chlorophyta) 63
Recovery in apple trees infected with the apple proliferation phytoplasma: an ultrastructural and biochemical study 62
Tecniche di microscopia applicate allo studio delle malattie da fitoplasmi: metodi tradizionali e innovativi 62
Differenti meccanismi di risposta al cadmio in due macrofite acquatiche allevate all’aperto in laghetti artificiali 62
Abscisic acid determination in Olea europea L. by radioimmunoassay 61
Plant response to elevate carbon dioxide (chapter 7) 61
Detossificazione e tolleranza al cadmio nelle piante superiori 60
Elevated CO2 decreases oxidative stress and increase essential oil biosynthesis in Thymus vulgaris L. leaves 60
AtPCS1 overexpression enhances Cd tolerance and accumulation in tobacco 60
Proteomic analysis in the lichen Physcia adscendens exposed to cadmium stress. 60
Elevated CO2 reduces vessel diameter and lignin deposition in some legume plants grown in mini-FACE rings 60
Phytochelatins govern zinc/copper homeostasis and cadmium detoxification in Cuscuta campestris parasitizing Daucus carota 60
Un'atmosfera ricca in CO2 diminuisce lo stress ossidativo ed aumenta il tenore in olio essenziale in foglie di Thymus vulgaris L. 59
Genome-wide inventory of metal homeostasis-related gene products including a functional phytochelatin synthase in the hypogeous mycorrhizal fungus Tuber melanosporum 59
Proteine da stress cadmio indotte nel macrolichene Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. e nel suo fotobionte Trebouxia sp 59
Balance of callose metabolism in phytoplasma/plant interaction 59
Le piante come decontaminanti ambientali dai metalli pesanti. 58
Le pietre della facciata. Degrado biologico. 58
Microclima ed ecofisiologia del leccio nelle aree verdi e nelle aree edificate della città di Firenze 58
Phytochelatins and Phytochelatin synthases in Bryophytes 58
Cell wall immobilization and antioxidant status of Xanthoria parietina thalli exposed to cadmium 58
Occurrence of different inter-varietal and inter-organ defence strategies towards supra-optimal zinc concentrations in two cultivars of Triticum aestivum L. 58
Lichens as bioindicators of air pollution 58
Phytoplasmas associated with tomato stolbur disease 57
Cadmium-induced cell death in Arabidopsis cell cultures 57
Biosintesi di glutatione e fitochelatine nei licheni Xanthoria parietina e Physcia adscendens e nei loro micobionti 57
Evolution and functional differentiation of recently diverged phytochelatin synthase genes from Arundo donax L. 57
Oxidative stress and lignification in leguminous species grown in mini-FACE rings under elevated CO2 57
Meccanismi attivi e passivi di detossificazione del cadmio in Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th.Fr 57
Response to metals in the liverworth Lunularia cruciata and in the charophyte Nitella mucronata 57
Considerazioni sulla tossicologia dei fitoregolatori e sui problemi igienici connessi al loro impiego in frutticoltura. 56
Antioxidant status in herbaceous plants growing under elevated CO2 in mini-FACE rings 56
Response to cadmium in higher plants 56
Lichens respond to heavy metals by phytochelatin synthesis 55
Response to cadmium stress in lichen thalli 55
La sovraespressione del gene AtPCS1 influenza la tolleranza al cadmio in Arabidopsis thaliana: analisi del cadmio intracellulare e dell'apparato radicale 55
Meccanismi attivi e passivi di risposta al cadmio e al cromo esavalente nel macrolichene foglioso Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. 55
Effetti dell’elevata CO2 sullo stato antiossidante di foglie di Salvia officinalis 54
Aspetti istoanatomici e ultrastrutturali dello stress da cadmio in Daucus carota L. 54
Response of barley plants to Fe deficiency and Cd contamination as affected by S starvation 54
The "Recovery" phenomenon in Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) cv. Chardonnay infected by "Bois Noir" phytoplasma: investigation of proteome modifications by 2DE and Western Blot analysis 54
Metal chelating peptides and proteins in plants (chapter 3) 53
Study on cadmium distribution and damage in lichen thalli 53
Effetto della nutrizione solfatica sull’assorbimento di Cd in piante di orzo allevate in condizioni di Fe-carenza 53
Identification of in vivo nitrosylated phytochelatins in Arabidopsis thaliana cells by liquid chromatography-direct electrospray-linear ion trap-mass spectrometry 53
Production of ribosome-inactivating protein from “hairy root” cultures of Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem. 53
La risposta dei licheni biodeteriogeni all’inquinamento da metalli pesanti 52
Study of malting quality and frost tolerance in the winter x spring 'Nure x Tremois' double haploid population and development of a marker-assisted selection programme 52
Responses of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings in a Cd/Cu/Zn multi-pollution context 52
Localizzazione di H2O2 in piante di melo infettate con fitoplasmi 52
Plenary lecture: le fitochelatine nella risposta di licheni e piante superiori ai metalli pesanti 52
Ethylene biosynthesis and phytochelatin production in in vitro plants of Arabidopsis thaliana and Daucus carota 52
Phytochelatin synthase manages iron homeostasis in the charophyte Nitella mucronata 52
Higher plant response to elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2 51
Iron deficiency modulates uptake and redistribution of reduced sulphur pool in barley plants 51
Effetti di elevate concentrazioni di CO2 e NH4 sulle concentrazioni di alcuni elementi in traccia in talli di Evernia prunastri 51
Oxidative stress in a semi-natural grassland community grown in mini-FACE rings under elevated CO2 51
Antifungal activity of diketopiperazines extracted from Alternaria alternata against Plasmopara viticola: an ultrastructural study. 50
Stress ossidativi e grado di lignificazione in leguminose e graminacee da prato cresciute in presenza di alti livelli di CO2 50
Response to cadmium in carrot in vitro plants and cell cultures 50
Totale 6.628
Categoria #
all - tutte 34.379
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 34.379

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.576 0 0 170 22 234 227 272 39 207 162 65 178
2020/20211.165 21 167 123 7 176 22 161 13 274 16 174 11
2021/2022803 8 0 7 19 25 15 109 164 40 77 86 253
2022/20232.773 335 231 155 191 296 320 18 181 917 23 83 23
2023/2024960 54 111 21 20 72 240 23 97 33 53 90 146
2024/2025494 39 203 252 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.991