Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.470
EU - Europa 1.720
AS - Asia 1.291
AF - Africa 33
SA - Sud America 5
OC - Oceania 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 5.524
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.412
CN - Cina 751
IE - Irlanda 461
IT - Italia 381
SG - Singapore 346
SE - Svezia 309
FI - Finlandia 202
TR - Turchia 122
DE - Germania 116
UA - Ucraina 65
AT - Austria 61
CA - Canada 56
GB - Regno Unito 39
BE - Belgio 21
IN - India 14
NL - Olanda 14
PK - Pakistan 12
LT - Lituania 11
TN - Tunisia 11
ID - Indonesia 10
HK - Hong Kong 9
FR - Francia 7
KE - Kenya 6
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 6
EG - Egitto 5
JP - Giappone 5
PH - Filippine 5
TW - Taiwan 5
AU - Australia 4
CH - Svizzera 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
RO - Romania 4
CI - Costa d'Avorio 3
MA - Marocco 3
MY - Malesia 3
RW - Ruanda 3
CO - Colombia 2
ES - Italia 2
HR - Croazia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
IR - Iran 2
MX - Messico 2
PL - Polonia 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
VN - Vietnam 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AR - Argentina 1
BR - Brasile 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EU - Europa 1
GE - Georgia 1
IS - Islanda 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MD - Moldavia 1
ME - Montenegro 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RS - Serbia 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
SC - Seychelles 1
Totale 5.524
Città #
Dublin 458
Chandler 389
Santa Clara 286
Singapore 285
Beijing 182
Ann Arbor 179
Ashburn 163
Jacksonville 138
Dearborn 134
Boardman 127
Izmir 103
Nanjing 103
Princeton 87
Parma 80
Chicago 76
Wilmington 55
Vienna 45
San Mateo 42
Helsinki 39
Shenyang 37
Milan 34
Jinan 32
Nanchang 31
Shanghai 28
Toronto 26
Hebei 24
Kunming 24
Jiaxing 21
Tianjin 20
Brussels 18
Seattle 18
Des Moines 17
Grafing 17
Guangzhou 17
Hefei 17
Houston 17
Changsha 15
San Jose 15
Kocaeli 13
London 13
Stockholm 13
Zhengzhou 13
Ottawa 12
Los Angeles 11
Norwalk 11
Pune 11
Falls Church 10
Frankfurt am Main 10
Fremont 9
Las Vegas 9
Düsseldorf 8
Taizhou 8
Vancouver 8
Hangzhou 7
Jakarta 7
New York 7
Ningbo 7
Bagheria 6
Bratislava 6
Brooklyn 6
Cremona 6
Fuzhou 6
Nairobi 6
Rome 6
Albuquerque 5
Bologna 5
Cairo 5
Casalgrande 5
Catania 5
Cosenza 5
Edinburgh 5
Florence 5
Haikou 5
Istanbul 5
La Trinidad 5
Lahore 5
Padova 5
Phoenix 5
Purmerend 5
Reggio Calabria 5
Reggio Nell'emilia 5
Rockville 5
Saskatoon 5
Seano 5
Taichung 5
Tokyo 5
Torino 5
Vigevano 5
Gualtieri 4
Redwood City 4
Taiyuan 4
Viareggio 4
Woodbridge 4
Abidjan 3
Borås 3
Brescia 3
Burg 3
Carugate 3
Cormano 3
Dallas 3
Totale 3.789
Nome #
X-Slip: un modello per l'innesco di frane indotte da piogge, fisicamente basato, implementato su piattaforma Experience 117
Soil Saturation and Stability Analysis of a Test Site Slope Using the Shallow Landslide Instability Prediction (SLIP) Model 112
Soil Water Content Estimated by Support Vector Machine for the Assessment of Shallow Landslides Triggering: the Role of Antecedent Meteorological Conditions 105
Investigating the Granulometric Distribution of Fluvial Sediments through the Hybrid Technique: Case Study of the Baganza River (Italy) 101
A model for triggering mechanism of shallow landslides 100
Advances in Shallow Landslide Hydrology and Triggering Mechanisms: A Multidisciplinary Approach 98
Analysis and modeling of soil slip in the Emilia Romagna Apennine (Northern Italy) 89
Empirical and Physically Based Thresholds for the Occurrence of Shallow Landslides in a Prone Area of Northern Italian Apennines 88
Practical Design of Nongrouted Micropile Foundations Based on Monte Carlo Analysis 87
Shallow landslides triggered by rainfalls: modeling of some case histories in the Reggiano Apennine (Emilia Romagna Region, Northern Italy) 83
Comportamento meccanico di micropali in resina espandente 81
X-slip: a physically-based model for the triggering of shallowrainfall-induced landslides, implemented in a GIS platform for alertsystems 79
Predicting landslide susceptibility and risks using GIS-based machine learning simulations, case of upper Nyabarongo catchment 78
Processes and factors controlling the groundwater flow in a complex landslide: A case study in the northern Italy 77
High-level training on the topic of landslides and slope stability in Rwanda 74
Residual mechanisms and kinematics of the relict Lemeglio coastal landslide (Liguria, northwestern Italy) 74
Effects of Artificial Aging on Polyurethane Resins Used in Geotechnical Works 73
Experimental analysis and micromechanical modelling of dry granular flow and impacts in laboratory flume tests 73
A data-driven method for the temporal estimation of soil water potential and its application for shallow landslides prediction 72
Assessment of soil saturation from climatic data in the framework of the shallow landslide instability prediction (SLIP) model 71
Micromechanical modelling of dry granular flow and impacts in laboratory flume tests 68
An empirical model for the evaluation of the degree of saturation of shallow soils in relation to rainfalls 67
Analisi di suscettibilità per frane superficiali: confronto tra diversi modelli in un caso di studio 67
Validazione di un modello per il meccanismo d’innesco di movimenti franosi superficiali 66
An experimental study on the mechanical behaviour of two polyurethane resins used for geotechnical applications 66
Experimental analysis and modelling of shallow landslides 65
I movimenti franosi superficiali indotti da pioggia: modellazione dell’innesco di eventi nell’Appennino Modenese 65
Use of Monte Carlo Analysis to Optimize the Calculated Resistance of Driven Micropiles 64
Micropiles made of reinforced polyurethane resins: load tests and evaluation of the bearing capacity 63
Modellazione dell'innesco di alcuni movimenti franosi superficiali indotti da piogge nell'Appennino Parmense 62
Behaviour of reinforced polyurethane resin micropiles 62
Rainfall-induced shallow landslides: a model for the triggering mechanism of some case studies in Northern Italy 62
Editorial 62
Sviluppo di un sistema di monitoraggio real-time per fenomeni franosi superficiali indotti da piogge 61
Comparison between monitored and modeled pore water pressure and safety factor in a slope susceptible to shallow landslides 61
Comparison between different approaches to modeling shallow landslide susceptibility: a case history in Oltrepo Pavese, Northern Italy 61
Prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslides at National scale in Italy 61
Comparison between different approaches of modeling shallow landslide susceptibility: a case history in the area of Oltrepo Pavese, Northern Italy 60
Studio per la modellazione numerica di movimenti in mezzi granulari tramite DEM 59
Utilizzo di osservazioni satellitari per la stima del grado di saturazione di terreni superficiali 59
Towards a real-time susceptibility assessment of rainfall-induced shallow landslides on a regional scale 59
Application of the SLIP Model 59
Monitoring soil-water and displacement conditions leading to landslide occurrence in partially saturated clays 58
Field investigation of soil-atmosphere interaction on a slope prone to shallow landslides 58
Un modello per la valutazione del grado di saturazione in terreni superficiali 57
Modellazione micromeccanica di movimenti di versante 57
Use of satellite observations for estimating the degree of saturation of superficial soils 56
Regional scale analysis and prediction of shallow landslides induced by rain, occurred in the Emilian Apennines, northern Italy 56
Predictive Power Evaluation of a Physically Based Model for Shallow Landslides in the Area of Oltrepò Pavese, Northern Italy 56
Modellazione spazio-temporale di frane superficiali indotte da pioggia nell'Oltrepo Pavese 55
Analysis of Hydro-meteorological Monitoring Data Collected in Different Contexts Prone to Shallow Landslides of the Oltrepò Pavese (Northern Italy) 54
The potential role of European professors in the context of Rwandan civil engineering education: Reflections after a teaching experience 54
Space-time hazard assessment of rainfall-induced shallow landslides 54
A prototype system for space–time assessment of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in Italy 54
Estimation of the degree of saturation of shallow soils from satellite observations to model soil slips occurred in Emilia Romagna Region of Northern Italy 53
Rainfall-induced landslides: slope stability analysis through field monitoring 53
Monitoring of a slope susceptible to shallow landslides: Preliminary results 53
Time-space distribution of shallow landslides induced by rainfalls in the area of Oltrepo Pavese, Northern Italy 52
The role of the vineyards on shallow landslides 52
Comportamento di una fondazione su platea rinforzata con micropali presso-infissi 52
Modelling rainfall-induced shallow landslides at different scales using SLIP - Part II 52
Modellazione fisica e numerica di movimenti in mezzi granulari 52
Unstable road cut slopes and design of retaining structures in the Rwandan context 52
Role of Soil–Structure Interaction on the Response of Precast RC Structures under Seismic Loading: Case Study 51
Behaviour of reinforced polyurethane resin micropiles: Experimental measurements and analytical modeling 51
Rainfall infiltration in a shallow soil: a numerical simulation of the double-porosity effect 50
Training on the topic of landslides and slope stability in Rwanda: a Summer School in the framework of the Erasmus plus EnRHEd project 49
Valutazione del comportamento di edifici in calcestruzzo ordinario e alleggerito in relazione alla tipologia di fondazione 49
Hydrological factors affecting rainfall-induced shallow landslides: From the field monitoring to a simplified slope stability analysis 49
Spatiotemporal modeling of some case histories of shallow landslides in the area of Oltrepo Pavese, Northern Italy 49
Mechanical Aspects of Micropiles Made of Reinforced Polyurethane Resins 49
Localized settlements of an ancient hospital foundationGeotechnical Engineering for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites 46
A multidisciplinary methodological approach for slope stability assessment of an area prone to shallow landslides 46
Monitoring of a slope affected by shallow landslides: preliminary results 44
Grapevine root system strength in an area susceptible to shallow landslides for slope stability assessment 44
Soil-structure interaction on prediction of the response of precast RC structures subjected to seismic action 43
Modelling rainfall-induced shallow landslides at different scales using SLIP - Part I 40
Site-specific to local-scale shallow landslides triggering zones assessment using TRIGRS 37
Robust Statistical Processing of Long-Time Data Series to Estimate Soil Water Content 37
Monitoring of hydrological parameters for the identification of shallow landslides triggering: A case study from Northern Italy 35
Monitoring and Modelling of Soil-Atmosphere Interaction on a Slope Affected by Shallow Landslides 34
Quantifying the contribution of grapevine roots to soil mechanical reinforcement in an area susceptible to shallow landslides 34
The impact of hydrological parameters on modelling slope safety factor towards shallow landslides: a case study from Oltrepò Pavese 33
Soil-atmosphere interaction in a slope affected by shallow landslides: An example in Northern Italy 33
Improving the estimation of complete field soil water characteristic curves through field monitoring data 33
A simplified approach to assess the soil saturation degree and stability of a representative slope affected by shallow landslides in oltrepò pavese (Italy) 32
Measurement of soil bulk density and water content with time domain reflectometry: Algorithm implementation and method analysis 32
Root strength evaluation on vineyards in an area susceptible to shallow landslides: preliminary results 31
Editorial of special issue “natural and artificial unsaturated soil slopes” 27
Observations on soil-atmosphere interactions after long-term monitoring at two sample sites subjected to shallow landslides 26
Hydrological regimes in different slope environments and implications on rainfall thresholds triggering shallow landslides 21
A simplified model for the evaluation of the degree of saturation in slope stability analysis of shallow soils 21
Comparison between mechanical and hydrological reinforcement effects of cultivated plants on shallow slope stability 20
Empirical evaluation of the relationship between rainfalls and the degree of saturation of shallow soils 19
Combined Effect of the Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Lateritic Soils in the Instability of a Road Cut Slope in Rwanda 17
FEM Modelling of Thin Weak Layers in Slope Stability Analysis 12
Implementation of a slope stability method in the CRITERIA-1D agro-hydrological modeling scheme 4
Totale 5.664
Categoria #
all - tutte 23.807
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 23.807

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020368 0 0 0 0 0 0 108 43 51 86 39 41
2020/2021465 4 32 24 33 78 17 40 21 117 44 39 16
2021/2022383 21 19 3 14 6 24 25 43 13 30 36 149
2022/20231.668 165 127 126 128 118 188 20 119 560 26 72 19
2023/2024596 56 54 8 17 56 115 21 45 28 36 47 113
2024/20251.024 132 130 145 142 185 263 27 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.667