LUPPINO, Giuseppe
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.081
EU - Europa 2.190
AS - Asia 1.254
AF - Africa 7
SA - Sud America 5
OC - Oceania 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 6.544
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.020
CN - Cina 698
IT - Italia 457
IE - Irlanda 409
SG - Singapore 402
FI - Finlandia 331
SE - Svezia 318
DE - Germania 236
UA - Ucraina 230
TR - Turchia 112
CA - Canada 60
FR - Francia 51
GB - Regno Unito 49
AT - Austria 29
BE - Belgio 29
IN - India 17
NL - Olanda 14
CH - Svizzera 8
JP - Giappone 8
LT - Lituania 8
ID - Indonesia 6
HK - Hong Kong 5
NO - Norvegia 5
AU - Australia 4
BR - Brasile 4
IL - Israele 4
CI - Costa d'Avorio 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
ES - Italia 3
EU - Europa 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
DK - Danimarca 2
HR - Croazia 2
NG - Nigeria 2
AL - Albania 1
AR - Argentina 1
EG - Egitto 1
IR - Iran 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MX - Messico 1
PH - Filippine 1
PL - Polonia 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
SD - Sudan 1
Totale 6.544
Città #
Chandler 514
Dublin 409
Santa Clara 339
Jacksonville 336
Singapore 321
Dearborn 180
Ann Arbor 166
Ashburn 164
Parma 153
Beijing 151
Boardman 124
Nanjing 115
Izmir 95
Princeton 93
San Mateo 88
Shanghai 70
Wilmington 60
Toronto 51
New York 46
Marseille 45
Shenyang 41
Helsinki 31
Nanchang 30
Bremen 29
Kunming 29
Hefei 26
Brussels 25
Des Moines 24
Vienna 24
Jiaxing 23
Jinan 23
Hebei 21
Milan 20
Woodbridge 20
Grafing 19
Houston 19
Zhengzhou 18
Rome 16
Seattle 15
Changsha 14
Chicago 14
Fremont 14
Kocaeli 14
Tianjin 14
Los Angeles 13
Norwalk 13
Falls Church 12
Guangzhou 12
Sassuolo 12
Bologna 9
London 9
Dallas 8
Bari 7
Haikou 7
Heidelberg 7
Munich 7
Ottawa 7
Padova 7
Amsterdam 6
Düsseldorf 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Fribourg 6
Genoa 6
Jakarta 6
Modena 6
Rockville 6
Washington 6
Borås 5
Canino 5
Cordovado 5
Greenwood 5
Hangzhou 5
Innsbruck 5
Monsummano Terme 5
Ningbo 5
Olbia 5
Palermo 5
Piacenza 5
Pittsburgh 5
Taiyuan 5
Wenzhou 5
Auburn Hills 4
Boulder 4
Gießen 4
Redwood City 4
Reggio Emilia 4
Abidjan 3
Beaumont 3
Biassono 3
Carpi 3
Cesena 3
Chongqing 3
Civitavecchia 3
Phoenix 3
Porto San Giorgio 3
Pune 3
San Giuliano Milanese 3
Taizhou 3
Trento 3
Turin 3
Totale 4.359
Nome #
Laminar Origin of Corticostriatal Projections to the Motor Putamen in the Macaque Brain 124
Comparative anatomy of the macaque and the human frontal oculomotor domain 115
Laminar organization of the corticostriatal projections in the macaque 114
Coding of peripersonal space in inferior premotor cortex (area F4) 110
Rostro-caudal Connectional Heterogeneity of the Dorsal Part of the Macaque Prefrontal Area 46 108
Anatomical Evidence for the Involvement of the Macaque Ventrolateral Prefrontal Area 12r in Controlling Goal-Directed Actions 101
Functional organization of inferior area 6 in the macaque monkey. II. Area F5 and the control of distal movements 101
Action Observation Circuits in the Macaque Monkey Cortex 96
Corticostriate Projections from Areas of the "Lateral Grasping Network": Evidence for Multiple Hand-Related Input Channels 96
Cortical connections of the anterior (F5a) subdivision of the macaque ventral premotor area F5 88
Projections to the putamen from neurons located in the white matter and the claustrum in the macaque 87
Cortical connections of the macaque anterior intraparietal (AIP) area 86
Visual and motor responses of ventrolateral prefrontal neurons during grasping actions. 86
Motor Cortex 85
Architecture of superior and mesial area 6 and the adjacent cingulate cortex in the macaque monkey. 85
Motor functions of the parietal lobe 84
Neurons related to reaching-grasping arm movements in the rostral part of area 6 (area 6a beta). 84
Large-scale temporo-parieto-frontal networks for motor and cognitive motor functions in the primate brain. 84
Neurons related to goal-directed motor acts in inferior area 6 of the macaque monkey 83
Reproducing macaque lateral grasping and oculomotor networks using resting state functional connectivity and diffusion tractography 83
Connectional Heterogeneity of the Ventral Part of the Macaque Area 46. 82
The complex hodological architecture of the macaque dorsal intraparietal areas as emerging from neural tracers and dw-mri tractography 82
Crossed Corticostriatal Projections in the Macaque Brain 81
Cortical connections of the inferior parietal cortical convexity of the macaque monkey 81
Computational Architecture of the Parieto-Frontal Network Underlying Cognitive-Motor Control in Monkeys. 81
Largely segregated parietofrontal connections linking rostral intraparietal cortex (areas AIP and VIP) and the ventral premotor cortex (areas F5 and F4) 78
Visual responses in the dorsal premotor area F2 of the macaque monkey 77
La corteccia motoria del galago crassicaudatus: uno studio morfologico ed elettrofisiologico. 77
Frontal cortical areas of the monkey brain engaged in reaching behavior: A 14C-deoxyglucose imaging study 76
Motor thalamus connections with area 4 and 6 in the monkey 75
Connectional evidence for multiple basal ganglia grasping loops in the macaque monkey 75
Functional neuroanatomy of the primate isocortical motor system 74
Characterization and Regional Distribution of a Class of Synapses with Highly Concentrated cAMP Binding Sites in the Rat Brain. 74
Architectonic organization of the inferior parietal convexity of the macaque 74
The cortical connections of area V6: an occipito-parietal network processing visual information 74
Characterization and Regional Distribution of a Class of Synapses with Highly Concentrated cAMP Binding Sites in the Rat Brain. 73
Connections of the macaque Granular Frontal Opercular (GrFO) area: a possible neural substrate for the contribution of limbic inputs for controlling hand and face/mouth actions 73
Architectonics of the primates cortex: usefulness and limits 73
The macaque lateral grasping network: A neural substrate for generating purposeful hand actions. 72
Cortical connections of the macaque caudal ventrolateral prefrontal areas 45A and 45B 72
Occipital (V6) and parietal (V6A) areas in the anterior wall of the parieto-occipital sulcus of the macaque: a cytoarchitectonic study 72
Observing Others: Multiple Action Representation in the Frontal Lobe 71
The fronto-parietal cortex of the prosimian Galago: patterns of cytochrome oxidase activity and motor maps 71
Neurofilament protein distribution in the macaque monkey dorsolateral premotor cortex 70
Functional organization of inferior area 6 in the macaque monkey. I. Somatotopy and control of proximal movements 69
Corticocortical connections of area F3 (SMA-proper) and area F6 (pre-SMA) in the macaque monkey. 68
Somatotopic representation in inferior area 6 of the macaque monkey 68
The cognitive motor system 68
Amygdalar connections of the macaque areas 45A and 45B. 68
Connectional heterogeneity of the macaque dorsal prefrontal area 46 (46d) 67
Anatomy and transmitter receptors of the supplementary motor areas in the human and nonhuman primate brain. 66
Organization of the posterior parietal lobe and of parietofrontal connections 65
A multiarchitectonic approach for the definition of functionally distinct areas and domains in the monkey frontal lobe 65
Receptor autoradiographic mapping of the mesial motor and premotor cortex of the macaque monkey. 65
Parietofrontal circuits for action and space perception in the macaque monkey 64
Cholinergic projections from the midbrain reticular formation and the parabigeminal nucleus to the lateral geniculate nucleus in the tree shrew. 64
Patterns of cytochrome oxidase activity in the frontal agranular cortex of the macaque monkey. 64
The cortical motor system 63
Projections from the superior temporal sulcus to the agranular frontal cortex in the macaque 63
Cortico-cortical connections of two electrophysiologically identified arm representations in the mesial agranular frontal cortex. 63
Space coding by premotor cortex 62
New view of the organization of the pulvinar nucleus in Tupaia as revealed by tectopulvinar and pulvinar-cortical projections. 62
Multimodal architectonic subdivision of the caudal ventrolateral prefrontal cortex of the macaque monkey 61
Mapping of human and macaque sensorimotor areas by integrating architectonic, transmitter receptor, MRI and PET data. 61
The organization of the frontal motor cortex 60
The classic supplementary motor area is formed by two independent areas. 60
Multiple representations of body movements in mesial area 6 and the adjacent cingulate cortex: an intracortical microstimulation study in the macaque monkey 60
Unita' di comando nell'area 6 inferiore di scimmia. 60
Selectivity for the shape, size and orientation of objects for grasping in neurons of monkey parietal area AIP 59
Thalamic input to mesial and superior area 6 in the macaque monkey. 59
Projections from Caudal Ventrolateral Prefrontal Areas to Brainstem Preoculomotor Structures and to Basal Ganglia and Cerebellar Oculomotor Loops in the Macaque 59
The cognitive motor system 58
Neurochemical characterization of the cerebellar-recipient motor thalamicterritory in the macaque monkey 57
Evidence of interhemispheric transmission in laterality effects. 57
Spatial compatibility effects on the same side of the body midline 56
Functional anatomy of the macaque temporo-parieto-frontal connectivity. 56
Motor Cortex. 55
Thalamic input to inferior area 6 and area 4 in the macaque monkey 54
Thalamic projections to the macaque caudal ventrolateral prefrontal areas 45A and 45B 53
Neurons related to reaching-grasping arm movements in the rostral part of area 6 (area 6aβ) 53
Projections of the hand field of the macaque ventral premotor area F5 to the brainstem and spinal cord 51
The organization of the cortical motor system: new concepts. 51
Parietofrontal circuits: Parallel channels for sensory-motor integrations 50
Superior area 6 afferents from the superior parietal lobule in the Macaque Monkey 50
The macaque inferior parietal lobule: cytoarchitecture and distribution pattern of serotonin 5-HT(1A) binding sites 50
Multimodal architectonic subdivision of the rostral part (area F5) of the macaque ventral premotor cortex 49
Motor Cortex 48
Parcellation of human mesial area 6: cytoarchitectonic evidence for three separate areas 46
Projections to the Superior Colliculus From Inferior Parietal, Ventral Premotor, and Ventrolateral Prefrontal Areas Involved in Controlling Goal-Directed Hand Actions in the Macaque. 44
Prefrontal and agranular cingulate projections to the dorsal premotor areas F2 and F7 in the macaque monkey 43
Prefrontal and agranular cingulate projections to the dorsar premotor areas F2 and F7 in the macaque monkey 42
Corticospinal projections from mesial frontal and cingulate areas in the monkey. 41
Cortical Connections of the Visuomotor Parietooccipital Area V6Ad of the Macaque Monkey 40
Neural substrate for the engagement of the ventral visual stream in motor control in the macaque monkey 36
Gradients of thalamic connectivity in the macaque lateral prefrontal cortex. 31
Premotor cortex 30
Involvement of the claustrum in the cortico-basal ganglia circuitry: connectional study in the non-human primate 24
Totale 6.646
Categoria #
all - tutte 25.930
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 25.930

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020484 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 28 134 72 30 79
2020/2021616 12 75 51 7 87 15 50 24 149 38 90 18
2021/2022531 18 11 8 31 25 29 77 79 28 44 35 146
2022/20231.765 156 138 107 157 170 258 12 137 539 14 52 25
2023/2024663 49 79 22 34 46 169 48 50 13 35 48 70
2024/20251.074 30 118 169 217 224 278 38 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.646