Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.808
EU - Europa 1.303
AS - Asia 1.289
AF - Africa 5
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
SA - Sud America 3
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 4.413
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.795
CN - Cina 828
IE - Irlanda 378
FI - Finlandia 339
SG - Singapore 278
SE - Svezia 245
DE - Germania 162
TR - Turchia 154
IT - Italia 77
UA - Ucraina 72
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 18
IR - Iran 15
CA - Canada 13
IN - India 10
GB - Regno Unito 4
EU - Europa 3
NL - Olanda 3
BE - Belgio 2
CI - Costa d'Avorio 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PE - Perù 2
AU - Australia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EG - Egitto 1
ES - Italia 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LT - Lituania 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
Totale 4.413
Città #
Dublin 378
Santa Clara 351
Beijing 305
Chandler 277
Singapore 232
Izmir 148
Nanjing 119
Dearborn 103
Ashburn 96
Jacksonville 94
Boardman 86
Princeton 85
San Mateo 70
Bremen 60
Wilmington 49
Kunming 43
Nanchang 43
Hefei 35
Shenyang 35
Shanghai 33
Los Angeles 29
Jinan 25
Hebei 23
Jiaxing 23
Munich 23
Changsha 20
Grafing 20
Leawood 18
Helsinki 17
Norwalk 17
Tianjin 17
Ann Arbor 16
Brno 16
Ardabil 14
Parma 13
Haikou 12
Toronto 12
Des Moines 11
Guangzhou 11
Monmouth Junction 10
New York 10
Seattle 10
Augusta 9
Milan 9
Hangzhou 7
Chongqing 6
Düsseldorf 6
Kocaeli 6
Fuzhou 5
Ningbo 5
Taizhou 5
Zhengzhou 5
Bologna 4
Borås 4
Chengdu 4
Fremont 4
Miami 4
North Bergen 4
Woodbridge 4
Wuhan 4
Mumbai 3
Pune 3
Reggio Nell'emilia 3
Rome 3
Taiyuan 3
Washington 3
Wenzhou 3
Abidjan 2
Crema 2
Forest City 2
Hong Kong 2
Lagos 2
Lima 2
Nanning 2
Quzhou 2
Reggio Emilia 2
Rockville 2
Tappahannock 2
Venezia 2
Xian 2
Bangalore 1
Baotou 1
Bishkek 1
Brussels 1
Cairo 1
Carpi 1
Carugate 1
Chieti 1
Clearwater 1
Fairfield 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Geislingen an der Steige 1
Guayaquil 1
Houston 1
Huizen 1
Kerikeri 1
Krefeld 1
Lanzhou 1
Las Vegas 1
Lecce 1
Totale 3.171
Nome #
Proprietà termodinamiche di tensioattivi gemini bipiridinici 97
Cooperativity Effects in the Protonation of Aliphatic Polyamines 77
Ca(II), Mg(II), Mn(II)/b-diketo acids complexes for inhibition of HIV-1 integrase 77
Strong Acid-Strong Base Potentiometric Titration in Methanol/Water Solvent: Analysis of Variance 75
A software for the estimation of binding parameters of biochemical equilibria based on statistical probability model 74
A Statistical Model of Equilibria in Solution. Electrostriction in Carboxylic Acids in Aqueous Solutions 73
Calcolo del’affinità di sito, della cooperatività tra i siti e autoassociazione nei complessi polimero-ligando proteina 72
Cooperatività tra i siti in processi di protonazione di poliammine alifatiche 70
Calore Molare Isobarico di H2O, D2O ed Equilibri 69
Isobaric heat capacity and structure of water and heavy water in the liquid state 68
Analysis of Entropy Change in Solutions of Hydrophobic Substances 67
Calculation of site affinity, cooperativity between sites and self-association in polymer-ligand-proton complexes. 67
I Coefficienti Statistici negli Equilibri Metallo-Legante e Macromolecola-Legante 67
Effetti della Densità di Carica e della Probabilità di Occupazione dei Siti negli Equilibri Termodinamici fra Macromolecole e Leganti 66
Continuous Gradient Method in Flow Microcalorimetry. Formation enthalpies of Cu(II)-Glycine complexes 66
Hydrophobic Hydration Processes. I: Dual-Structure Partition Function for Biphasic Aqueous Systems 66
Cooperativity Effect and Site Affinity Constants in Macromolecular Systems 66
Modello Termodinamico Molecolare per gli Equilibri in Soluzione 64
Thermal Equivalent Dilution 63
Calculation of Cooperativity Coefficient and Site affinity Constants for Binding of Ligand and/or Proton to Macromolecules 61
Cooperativity Functions and Site Binding Constants in Polyprotic Acids in Aqueous Solutions 61
Molecular Thermodynamic Model for Equilibria in Solution. Equilibrium Constants and Correlation Functions in Probability and Thermodynamics Space 61
Statistical Inference for Ergodic Algorithmic Model (EAM), Applied to Hydrophobic Hydration Processes 61
Positive Cooperativity: Divalent Metal-Cyanide Complexes 59
Evaluation of Cooperativity Effects from Thermodynamic Data of Metal-Ligand and Macromolecule-Ligand Equilibria 59
Site Affinity Constants and Cooperativity Function in Metal-Ligand-Proton Complexes 58
Cooperativity Effect in Complexes of Metals or Polyelectrolytes 58
Calculation of Site Enthalpy for Binding of Ligands and Protons to Macromolecule 57
Flow Microcalorimetry in Continuous Gradient Mode: Computer Programs and Determination of Protonation Enthalpies of D-cycloserine 57
A New Computer Program for Evaluating Cooperativity Coefficients and Site affinity Constants for Binding of Ligands and/or Protons to Macromolecules 57
Caratterizzazione Mediante Tecniche Microcalorimetriche di Microorganismi di Interesse nel Settore Alimentare 56
The Use of the Partition Function in Metal-Ligand and Macromolecule-Ligand Equilibria. 55
Cooperativity Coefficients and Site Affinity Constants in Polyprotic Acids: Dependence upon Temperature and Ionic Strength 55
Binding of Ligands and Protons to Macromolecule: Calculation of Site Enthalpy 55
Site Affinity Constants and Cooperativity Function Coefficients in Metal-Ligand-Proton Complexes: Least Squares Refinement from Potentiometric Data 54
Relation between Electrical and Chemical Calibrations in Flow Microcalorimetry 54
Valutazione Termodinamica dell'Effetto Chelato 53
Thermodynamic Properties of Copper(II) Complexes of Aminoethanols in Aqueous Solution 53
Entropy Change in Aqueous Solutions of non-polar Substances, Micelle Formation and Supremolecular Assemblies 52
Molecular thermodynamic model for equilibria in solution. II. Statistical microscopic properties of ensembles 52
Energy of Hydrophobic Bond 52
Molecular thermodynamic model for equilibria in solution. I. Reacting and non-reacting ensembles 51
Solubilization Processes of inert substances in water. 51
The Excess Chelate Effect and " All-or-none" Processes 51
Modello Termodinamico Molecolare per gli Equilibri in Soluzione 50
Solubility of inert gases and liquid hydrocarbons in water 49
Energia del legame idrofobico 48
Protonation equilibria and hydration in disubstituted benzoic acids 47
Partition Function for Solution Equilibria: Concentration and Temperature Moments 47
Statistical Factors for Cooperativity and Chelate Effects in Receptor-Ligand Equilibria 47
Water activity and pseudo-activity coefficient of sorbed water 47
Molecular dynamic simulation of heat capacity of liquid water 46
Fluorinated Gemini Surfactants: Chemico-Physical Properties 46
Model Partition Functions for Macromolecule-Ligand Equilibria 46
Thermodynamic Properties of New Dipyridinic Gemini Surfactant Aqueous Solutions 46
Host-Guest Interactions between b-Cyclodextrin and Piroxicam, 46
Solubility of Noble Gases in Water and Hydrophobic Hydration Analysed by a Statistical Model of Equilibria in Solution 46
Molecular thermodynamic model for equilibria in solution. III. Equilibrium constants and correlation functions in probability, thermodynamic, and kinetic energy space 45
Host-guest interactions between Beta-cyclodextrin and piroxicam. 45
Statistical Thermodynamic Study on complexes of Cu++ with -aminoalcohols 45
Hydrophobic hydration processes. General thermodynamic model by thermal equivalent dilution determinations 45
Protonation equilibria and hydration in mono-substituted and in di-substituted benzoic acids 45
Isobaric heat capacity in non-reacting and reacting ensembles 45
Solubility of Inert Gases and Liquid Hydrocarbons in Water 45
Molecular Thermodynamic Model for Equilibria in Solution. Equilibrium Constants and Correlation Functions in Probability and Thermodynamics Space 44
Probability Space and Thermodynamic Space in a Statistical Model for Calorimetry 44
Thermodynamics of receptor-ligand equilibria 44
Molecular thermodynamic model for equilibria in solution. IV. Macroscopic partition functions 43
Thermodynamic Model for the Solubility of Noble Gas in Water 43
Estimation of Binding Parameters of Chemical Equilibria Based on Thermodynamic Statistical Model 42
Hydrophobic hydration processes. Thermal Denaturation of Proteins 41
Protonation Equilibria and Hydrophobic Hydration in Substituted Benzoic Acids 41
Studio degli equilibri di protonazione: Dipendenza dell'entalpia dalla temperatura. 41
Proprietà termodinamiche di sistemi reagenti e non reagenti in soluzione:funzioni di partizione e loro rappresentazione 40
Ergodic Algorithmic Model (EAM), with Water as Implicit Solvent, in Chemical, Biochemical, and Biological Processes 40
Isobaric heat capacity in non-reacting and in reacting systems 39
Statistical Probability Distribution in Biochemical Equilibria. Estimation of Site Constants and Cooperativity 39
Thermodynamics of Novel Gluco-Cationic Surfactant Aqueous Solutions 39
Entropy-enthalpy compensation: partial molar volume of apolar solute and micelle 39
Thermal Equivalent Dilution and Hydrophobic Bond. 39
Statistical Inference for Ergodic Algorithmic Model (EAM), Applied to Hydrophobic Hydration Processes 38
Protonation of Amines and Polyamines: Enthalpy of Binding and Cooperativity Between Sites 37
Funzioni di Partizione Modello per lo Studio degli Equilibri Termodinamici in Sistemi Macromolecolari 33
Ensembles for Equilibria in Solution 27
Totale 4.515
Categoria #
all - tutte 18.207
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 18.207

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020385 0 0 0 0 0 67 63 21 88 106 19 21
2020/2021273 0 22 6 1 20 1 22 3 74 6 109 9
2021/2022288 0 3 1 5 3 25 17 25 16 48 2 143
2022/20231.177 123 117 76 66 118 137 6 57 435 4 31 7
2023/2024373 18 25 10 15 33 99 19 20 4 32 32 66
2024/2025739 14 98 112 46 190 279 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.515