Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Sistemi e delle Tecnologie Industriali - DISTI
3. Firm size distributions and stochastic growth models: a comparison between ICT and Mechanical Italian Companies
2003-01-01 Ganugi, P.; Grossi, Luigi; Crosato, L.
A new robust estimator of multilevel models based on the forward search approach
2017-01-01 Corbellini, Aldo; Grossi, Luigi; Laurini, Fabrizio
A rough analysis: Valuing gas storage
2012-01-01 Giulietti, M.; Grossi, L.; Waterson, M.
A spatial shift-share decomposition of electricity consumption changes across Italian regions
2018-01-01 Grossi, L.; Mussini, M.
Analisi tecnica e previsione della volatilità nelle serie storiche finanziarie
2001-01-01 Grossi, Luigi
Analysis of economic time series: effects of extremal observations on testing heteroscedastic components
2004-01-01 Grossi, Luigi; Laurini, Fabrizio
Analysis of individual natural gas consumption and price elasticity: Evidence from billing data in Italy
2023-01-01 Favero, F; Grossi, L
Analyzing Financial Time Series through Robust Estimators
2004-01-01 Grossi, Luigi
Analyzing the Potential Economic Value of Energy Storage
2018-01-01 Giulietti, M.; Grossi, L.; Baute, E. T.; Waterson, M.
Analyzing the Temporal Dependence of Bank Interest Rates to Market Interest Rates: the Italian Case
2003-01-01 Grossi, Luigi; Bellini, T.; Gozzi, Giorgio
Classification of firms: a graphical method for selecting balance sheet ratios
1999-01-01 Grossi, Luigi; Gozzi, G.; Ganugi, P.
Controllo di qualità dei dati censuari: individuazione di dati anomali multivariati
2000-01-01 Grossi, Luigi
Correcting outliers in GARCH models: a weighted forward approach
2019-01-01 Crosato, L.; Grossi, L.
Decomposing changes in CO2 emission inequality over time: The roles of re-ranking and changes in per capita CO2 emission disparities
2015-01-01 Mussini, M.; Grossi, L.
Does the Past Count? Sovereign Debt during the Classical Gold Standard through the Lenses of Mover Stayer and Markov Chain Models
2019-01-01 Bragoli, D.; Ferretti, C.; Ganugi, P.; Grossi, L.; Ianulardo, G.
Electricity market integration and the impact of unilateral policy reforms
2018-01-01 Grossi, L.; Heim, S.; Huschelrath, K.; Waterson, M.
Estimation of risk measures on electricity markets with fat-tailed distributions
2015-01-01 Fianu, E. S.; Grossi, L.
Evaluation of Cost-at-Risk related to the procurement of resources in the ancillary services market. The case of the Italian electricity market
2023-01-01 Lisi, F; Grossi, L; Quaglia, F
Firm size distributions and stochastic growth models: A comparison between ICT and Mechanical Italian Companies
2004-01-01 Ganugi, P.; Grossi, L.; Crosato, L.
Forecasting Italian electricity zonal prices with exogenous variables
2012-01-01 Gianfreda, A.; Grossi, L.