BOTTI, Maddalena
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.521
EU - Europa 2.046
AS - Asia 1.209
SA - Sud America 22
AF - Africa 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 5.809
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.475
CN - Cina 660
IE - Irlanda 429
FI - Finlandia 421
SG - Singapore 324
SE - Svezia 318
IT - Italia 271
DE - Germania 244
UA - Ucraina 242
TR - Turchia 105
IN - India 78
GB - Regno Unito 55
CA - Canada 46
BE - Belgio 22
BR - Brasile 19
VN - Vietnam 12
FR - Francia 10
NL - Olanda 10
ID - Indonesia 9
IL - Israele 8
RU - Federazione Russa 5
EU - Europa 4
AT - Austria 3
CH - Svizzera 3
CI - Costa d'Avorio 3
ES - Italia 3
IR - Iran 3
JP - Giappone 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
IQ - Iraq 2
PK - Pakistan 2
PT - Portogallo 2
AR - Argentina 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CO - Colombia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EG - Egitto 1
HU - Ungheria 1
LB - Libano 1
LT - Lituania 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PL - Polonia 1
RO - Romania 1
TN - Tunisia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 5.809
Città #
Dublin 427
Chandler 351
Santa Clara 346
Jacksonville 305
Singapore 250
Dearborn 170
Ashburn 161
Beijing 158
Ann Arbor 116
Parma 116
Boardman 111
Nanjing 105
Izmir 99
Princeton 81
Bremen 67
San Mateo 62
Wilmington 62
Pune 53
Shenyang 50
Shanghai 48
New York 41
Toronto 40
Nanchang 32
Helsinki 28
Kunming 28
Hebei 23
Woodbridge 23
Brussels 22
Jinan 22
Hefei 19
Jiaxing 18
Des Moines 16
Changsha 15
Guangzhou 14
Düsseldorf 13
Dong Ket 12
Munich 12
Tianjin 11
Milan 10
Torino 10
Auburn Hills 9
Hangzhou 9
Houston 9
Los Angeles 9
Fremont 8
Hadera 8
Jakarta 8
Mestre 8
Zhengzhou 7
Haikou 6
London 6
Norwalk 6
Rome 6
Taiyuan 6
Chengdu 5
Seattle 5
Borås 4
Chicago 4
Chongqing 4
Foggia 4
Fuzhou 4
Palermo 4
Southend 4
São Paulo 4
Abidjan 3
Binningen 3
Bologna 3
Castelfranco di Sotto 3
Cattolica 3
Dallas 3
Genova 3
Goiânia 3
Grafing 3
Harbin 3
Shaoxing 3
Taizhou 3
Turin 3
Vienna 3
Wuhan 3
Xian 3
Avigliano 2
Bari 2
Brembio 2
Brescia 2
Cambridge 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Grosseto 2
Istanbul 2
Lanzhou 2
Modena 2
Nürnberg 2
Padova 2
Phoenix 2
Piacenza 2
Pisa 2
Redwood City 2
Reggio Nell'emilia 2
San Francisco 2
Shijiazhuang 2
Stockholm 2
Totale 3.782
Nome #
Immunolocalization of Orexin A and its receptors in the different structures of the porcine ovary 135
Doppia marcatura immunoistochimica dei neuroni autonomi che proiettano al muscolo bulbospongioso di maiali impuberi 132
Le fratture intracorticali dell'osso metacarpale III nel cavallo sportivo: dimostrazione sperimentale della validità dell'osteostissi 129
Doppia marcatura immunoistochimica delle fibre nervose del muscolo retrattore del clitoride di scrofa 129
Orexin system in swine ovarian follicle 123
Double labelling immunohistochemistry on the nerve fibres of retractor clitoridis muscle of the sow 110
Double labelling immunohistochemistry on the peripheral autonomic neurons projecting to the bulbospongiosus muscle in male impuberal pigs 103
Peripheral neurons projecting to genital smooth musculature in the female pig: experimental study by retrograde transport and immunohistochemistry 99
Influence of genetic selection on the myofibre type composition of porcine biceps femoris muscle: a comparative study of a purebred (Nero di Parma) and commercial hybrid pigs (Large White × Landrace × Duroc) 99
Orexin A in swine corpus luteum 97
Localization of neurons projecting into the extrinsic penile smooth musculature of the pig: an experimental study on the retractor penis muscle 92
Effect of the supplementation with a blend containing short and medium chain fatty acid monoglycerides in milk replacer on rumen papillae development in weaning calves 92
Distribuzione e caratterizzazione immunoistochimica dei neuroni del tronco simpatico che innervano il trigono vescicale nel verro. 91
Auditory ossicles in the Ruminants: comparative morphological analysis with the analogues formations of horse. 89
Expression of Orexin A and its receptors in the porcine ovary 87
Distribution pattern and chemical coding of sympathetic trunk ganglia neurons supplying the boar urinary bladder trigone. 85
On some structural features of ovarian ligaments in domestic animals 84
Neurochemical features of the autonomic neurons projecting to the cremaster muscle of the boar 82
Immunohistochemical characteristics of peripheral neurons projecting to the bulbospongiosus muscle in the pig 81
Effect of a mixture of short and medium chain fatty acids esterified to glycerol in milk replacer on weaning calves rumen papillae development 81
Autonomic and sensitive somatic innervation of ostrich elbow and knee joints articular capsule 80
Morphological characteristics and distribution of the autonomic and sensitive innervation of the prostate in some animal species 80
Experimental observations on the location of the neurons innervating the cremaster muscle: a retrograde tracing in the pig (Sus scofa domestica) 80
Topografia del nucleo spinale del muscolo uretrale: studio sperimentale nel maiale. 79
Striated perineal muscles: location of somatic and autonomic neurons projecting to the male pig ischiocavernous muscle. Neurochemical features of the sympathetic subset. 79
Morphological analysis of the urethral muscle of the male pig with relevance to urinary continence and micturition 78
Afferent and efferent branching fibres project both to the pig smooth retractor penis and the striated bulbospongiosus muscles as demonstrated by double neuronal labeling 77
A morphometric and neurochemical study of spinal ganglion neurons innervating the porcine (Sus scrofa) urinary bladder. 77
Double labelling immunohistochemistry on the autonomic ganglia related to the smooth genital musculature of the pig 76
Double labelling immunohistochemical characterization of autonomic sympathetic neurons innervating the sow retractor clitoridis muscle 76
Double labelling immunohistochemistry on the paravertebral ganglion related to the smooth vasal musculature of the swine cremaster muscle 72
Differences in the chemical content of neurons of sympathetic trunk projecting to the bulbospongiosus muscle of growing boars and barrows: preliminary study 72
On the bulky appliances and artero-venous anastomoses in the vascular district of the base of the brain 71
The sensitive innervation of the ostrich nasal mucosa 70
On the sensitive innervation of the ostrich's food pads 70
Morpho-structural analysis of the male pig urethral muscle. 70
The autonomic and sensitive innervation of the ostrich copulatory organ 68
On the autonomic and sensitive nervous components of digital, metacarpal and metatarsal pads of the coypu (Myocastor coypus). 67
Ulteriori osservazioni sulla localizzazione dei neuroni sensitivi e vegetativi destinati alla muscolatura liscia genitale. Studio sperimentale sul muscolo retrattore del pene di suini ed ovini interi 67
On the presence of ganglion cells in the intracranial portion of the accessory nerve (XI cranial nerve) in some mammals 67
Sensory and autonomic neurons project both to the smooth retractor penis and to the striated bulbospongiosus muscles. Neurochemical features of the sympathetic subset 66
Immunohistochemical properties of the peripheral neurons projecting to the pig bulbospongiosus muscle. 66
Sympathetic innervation of the porcine urethral muscle. 66
Presenza di cellule gangliari e terminazioni nervose lungo il decorso del fascio vascolo nervoso del collo di oca e pollo 65
Peripheral sympathetic and sensory neurons projecting to a skeletal muscle of the pig hindlimb 65
Proprioceptive innervation of the popliteus muscle of the sheep: its role in the biomechanics of the knee joint. 64
Double labelling immunohistochemistry on the autonomic neurons projecting to the smooth genital musculature of the sow 64
Peripheral neurons innervating the extrinsic smooth penile musculature of the pig: experimental study by retrograde transport and immunohistochemistry 63
Morphology and biomechanics of the sheep (Ovis aries) popliteus muscle: preliminary observations 63
Efferent branching fibres project both to the vasal component of the pig (Sus scrofa domestica) genital smooth and striated muscles as demonstrated by double retrograde neuronal labelling 63
Preliminary comparison of muscle histochemical characteristics of different hybrid pigs 63
Sensory, motor somatic, and autonomic neurons projecting to the porcine cremaster muscle 63
Neurochemical features of boar lumbo-sacral dorsal root ganglion neurons and characterization of sensory neurons innervating the urinary bladder trigone. 63
On the sensitive and vegetative innervation of the ostrich's palate 61
Localization of peripheral autonomic neurons innervating the boar urinary bladder trigone and neurochemical features of the sympathetic component. 61
Peripheral ganglia supplying the genital smooth musculature in the female pig: an experimental study 61
The autonomic and sensory neurons related with the sacral sympathetic trunk in the pig 60
Sensitive innervation of the copulatory organ in Struthio camelus: comparison to the corresponding district in female proctodeum 60
Further observations on the sensitive innervation of some bird's proctodeum 59
Studio comparitivo sui calici gustativi in diverse specie di teleostei 59
Neurochemical properties of sympathetic neurons projecting to the vasal component of genital striated and smooth muscles 59
Double labelling immunohistochemistry on the sympathetic trunk ganglia neurons projecting to the extrinsic penile smooth musculature of the pig: an experimental study on the retractor penis muscle 59
Localization of efferent and afferent neurons of the ischiocavernous muscle in male impuberal pigs 58
Striated perineal muscles: location of autonomic, sensory and somatic neurons projecting to the male pig bulbospongiosus muscle 58
Experimental study on the location of neurons associated with the first sacral sympathetic trunk ganglion of the pig. 58
Immunohistochemical characteristics of the nerve fibres of sow retractor clitoridis muscle. 56
Topography of the spinal nuclei of the ischiocavernous and bulbospongiosus muscles: an experimental study in the pig 54
Observations on the location of sensitive and motor neurons related to the pig urinary bladder trigone. 53
Terminazioni nervose nelle capsule articolari delle principali articolazioni degli arti della nutria 52
Localization of the autonomic, somatic and sensory neurons innervating the cranial tibial muscle of the pig. 52
Presenza di cellule gangliari e terminazione nervose lungo il decorso del fascio vascolo nervosodel collo di oca e pollo 51
Localization of efferent and afferent neurons projecting to external anal sphincter muscle in male pigs 51
Experimental study to localize the neurons projecting to the lamb retractor penis muscle 50
Morphology and biomechanics of the sheep (Ovis aries) popliteus muscle: preliminary observations 49
Sensory innervation of the porcine urethral muscle. 48
Immunohistochemical characteristics of neurons innervating genital smooth musculature in the sow (Sus scrofa domestica) 48
Observations on the paravertebral ganglia innervating the retractor penis muscle in intact pig 48
Experimental observations on the location of the neurons innervating the cremaster muscle: a retrograde tracing in the pig (Sus scrofa domestica) 48
Location of efferent and afferent neurons innervating the bulbospongiosus muscle in the pig 44
Experimental study to define the peripheral localization of sensory and autonomic neurons innervating smooth genital musculature in non emasculated pigs and lambs 42
Synthetic and natural biomaterials in veterinary medicine and ophthalmology: a review of clinical cases and experimental studies. 27
Aerosol Jet Printed Organic Memristive Microdevices Based on a Chitosan:PANI Composite Conductive Channel 23
Striated perineal muscles: Location of autonomic, sensory, and somatic neurons projecting to the male pig bulbospongiosus muscle 20
Inhalable drug-loaded silk fibroin carriers for pulmonary drug delivery 17
The Use of Soft Contact Lenses in Veterinary Ophthalmology: A Review and Future Perspectives 1
Totale 5.921
Categoria #
all - tutte 21.413
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 21.413

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020466 0 0 0 0 0 0 129 20 92 128 30 67
2020/2021500 5 68 44 2 69 6 59 13 131 16 71 16
2021/2022360 14 2 5 44 3 7 38 54 19 35 23 116
2022/20231.467 151 144 78 93 176 161 18 82 521 8 31 4
2023/2024498 24 43 13 10 61 185 34 24 7 17 22 58
2024/2025890 21 101 131 94 246 281 16 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.921