Franz Werfel projects contemporary aspirations as well as technical-scientific dreams into a utopian society of the future, a hundred thousand years away from us, thus proving how easily mechanistic progress can turn into regression at a political and cultural level, as well as for one’s personal life and happiness. A good example is the return to cosmological conceptions which seemed to be already widely outdated and are now presented, instead, as the greatest achievements of the future civilization. However, in spite of its advancements, this highly civilized society is totally defenceless against the resurgence of primordial instincts of destruction and self-destruction. Thus, it is no surprise that, by the end of the novel, Content accessed by IP address on 04/04/2018 345 APPENDICE the positivistic faith in such an old yet also new science is replaced by a vague pan-religious mysticism, combining mind, soul and matter in a desirable yet never achieved union, just as it is impossible to realize it in real life.
Nel regno utopico del futuro, a centomila anni di distanza da noi, Franz Werfel proietta le aspirazioni del suo tempo, non da ultimo quelle tecnico-scientifiche, dimostrando però quanto il progresso meccanicisticamente inteso si tramuti in un regresso, tanto sul piano conoscitivo quanto in un’ottica esistenziale e socio-politica. Solo così si spiega il ritorno a concezioni cosmologiche che sembravano ormai ampiamente superate, presentate ora come il non plus ultra di una civiltà così avanzata da risultare inerme di fronte all’avanzata dei più primordiali istinti di distruzione e autodistruzione. Non stupisce dunque che la positivistica fede in questa scienza vecchia e al contempo nuova debba cedere il passo, sul finire del romanzo, a un vago misticismo panreligioso, in una sintesi sempre auspicata ma mai realizzata, e in fondo irrealizzabile, tra spirito, anima e materia.
Franz Werfel fra utopia e distopia scientifica in Stern der Ungeborenen / Longhi, E. - In: LA TORRE DI BABELE. - ISSN 1724-3114. - 10:(2014), pp. 129-149.
Franz Werfel fra utopia e distopia scientifica in Stern der Ungeborenen
Franz Werfel projects contemporary aspirations as well as technical-scientific dreams into a utopian society of the future, a hundred thousand years away from us, thus proving how easily mechanistic progress can turn into regression at a political and cultural level, as well as for one’s personal life and happiness. A good example is the return to cosmological conceptions which seemed to be already widely outdated and are now presented, instead, as the greatest achievements of the future civilization. However, in spite of its advancements, this highly civilized society is totally defenceless against the resurgence of primordial instincts of destruction and self-destruction. Thus, it is no surprise that, by the end of the novel, Content accessed by IP address on 04/04/2018 345 APPENDICE the positivistic faith in such an old yet also new science is replaced by a vague pan-religious mysticism, combining mind, soul and matter in a desirable yet never achieved union, just as it is impossible to realize it in real life.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.