"Esportazioni manifatturiere e riforma del commercio estero in Unione Sovietica" ("Export of manufactures and foreign trade reform in the Soviet Union")
1989-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
"L'impact des réformes économiques de l'URSS sur ses échanges avec le Tiers-Monde
1990-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
"La CEE e il Comecon: concorrenza e complementarità","(EEC and Comecon: competition and complementarities")
1987-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
"Le joint-venture in Unione Sovietica. Aspetti economici", ("Joint ventures in the Soviet Union. Economic aspects")
1990-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
"Le joint-venture in Unione Sovietica. Aspetti economici", ("Joint ventures in the Soviet Union. Economic aspects")
1990-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
China in the world textile and clothing trade: a comparison between the EU and the US markets
2006-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
Comecon, domination et dépendances
1982-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
Contrainte extérieure et politiques d'adaptation dans les économies planifiées du centre
1985-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
Des multinationales à l'Est?
1984-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
Energy in Soviet-West European relations
1987-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
Globalization of Production in the Textile and Clothing Industry: the case of the Italian FDI and outward processing traffic with Eastern Europe
1998-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
Gorbachev's economic strategy in the Third World
1990-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
Il Doha Round e il mercato del lavoro europeo
2008-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
Influence and policy implications of the major factors in inter-systems trade, especially the East-South trade
1989-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
International Subcontracting in the Textile and Clothing Industry
2001-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
Italy's manufacturing trade with Eastern Europe. Specialization patterns and possible impact of liberalization on Italian industry
1994-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
L'impatto commerciale dell'allargamento sull'industria e sui mercati del lavoro europei
2004-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
L'Unione Europea tra multilateralismo e bilateralismo commerciale
2009-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
Le Misure di Salvaguardia e Protezione verso la Cina
2005-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni
Les mouvements de capital au sein du Comecon
1984-01-01 Graziani, Giovanni