ZANINI, Andrea
ZANINI, Andrea
Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura
3-D Numerical Modeling as a Tool for Managing Mineral Water Extraction from a Complex Groundwater Basin in Italy
2007-01-01 Zanini, Andrea; Tanda, Maria Giovanna
3-D Numerical Modeling as a Tool for Managing Mineral Water Extraction from a Complex Groundwater Basin in Italy
2007-01-01 Zanini, Andrea; Tanda, Maria Giovanna
A Bayesian geostatistical approach to estimate aquifer hydraulic parameters: a study case
2016-01-01 D'Oria, Marco; Zanini, Andrea
A comparison between Empirical Bayes combined with Akaike’s Bayesian Information Criterion and Ensemble Smoother with Multiple data assimilation to evaluate hydrogeophisical data
2024-01-01 Fagandini, Camilla; D'Oria, Marco; Todaro, Valeria; Zanini, Andrea
A comparison of gap filling methods: a study case in Northern Italy
2022-01-01 Fagandini, C.; Todaro, V.; Tanda, M. G.; Zanini, A.
A conceptual hydrogeological model of ophiolitic aquifers (serpentinised peridotite): The test example of Mt. Prinzera (Northern Italy)
2017-01-01 Segadelli, Stefano; Vescovi, Paolo; Ogata, Kei; Chelli, Alessandro; Zanini, Andrea; Boschetti, Tiziano; Petrella, Emma; Toscani, Lorenzo; Gargini, Alessandro; Celico, Fulvio
A multidisciplinary approach for groundwater modeling: a case study in the Mantova province of the Northern Po Plain (Italy)
2024-01-01 Zanini, Andrea; Pinardi, Riccardo; Molino, Laura; Artoni, Andrea; Avanzi, Riccardo; Celico, Fulvio; Chelli, Alessandro; Fagandini, Camilla; Pesente, Giovanna; Zaghini, Michele
A multidisciplinary approach to evaluate the effectiveness of natural attenuation at a contaminated site
2021-01-01 Zanini, A.; Ghirardi, M.; Emiliani, R.
A multidisciplinary procedure to evaluate and optimize the efficacy of hydraulic barriers in contaminated sites: a case study in Northern Italy
2018-01-01 Chelli, Alessandro; Zanini, Andrea; Petrella, Emma; Feo, Alessandra; Celico, Fulvio
A Python Script to Compute Isochrones for MODFLOW
2018-01-01 Feo, Alessandra; Zanini, Andrea; Petrella, Emma; Celico, Fulvio
A Transient Groundwater Flow Model for Evaluating River-Aquifer Exchange
2014-01-01 Zanini, Andrea; Chelli, Alessandro; Pecoraro, Roberto; Celico, Fulvio
Advancement in measuring the hydraulic conductivity of porous asphalt pavements
2021-01-01 Giuliani, F.; Petrolo, D.; Chiapponi, L.; Zanini, A.; Longo, S.
Advances in Aquifer Systems Analysis: Flows, Interactions, Quality Status, and Remediation
2025-01-01 Zanini, Andrea; Celico, Fulvio
An artificial neural network as a quick tool to assess the effects of climate change and agricultural policies on groundwater resources
2023-01-01 Secci, Daniele; Todaro, Valeria; Cem Yologlu, Onur; K Copty, Nadim; Daloglu Çetinkaya, Irem; D'Oria, Marco; Kerem Saysel, Ali; Tanda, Maria Giovanna; Zanini, Andrea
An interdisciplinary approach to evaluate the Natural Attenuation as potential remediation action
2019-01-01 Rizzo, Pietro; Petrella, Emma; Sanangelantoni, Anna Maria; Ghirardi, Marco; Celico, Fulvio; Tanda, Maria Giovanna; Zanini, Andrea
Analysis of the saltwater wedge in a coastal karst aquifer with a double conduit network, numerical simulations and sensitivity analysis
2019-01-01 Feo, A.; Zanini, A.; Petrella, E.; Hernandez-Diaz, R.; Celico, F.
Analysis of two precipitation gap-filling methods in a study area of Northern Italy
2022-01-01 Fagandini, C.; Todaro, V.; Tanda, M. G.; Zanini, A.
Application of Multi-frequency Oscillatory Hydraulic Tomography for estimating the transmissivity on a well field
2016-01-01 Cupola, Fausto; Cardiff, M.; Zanini, Andrea
Application of the integral investigation pumping test in Milano
2004-01-01 Zanini, Andrea; Alberti, L.; Ceccon, S.; Bauer, S.; Ptak, T.; Tanda, Maria Giovanna
Application of the integral pumping test in Milano
2003-01-01 Alberti, L; Zanini, Andrea