Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 762
EU - Europa 583
AS - Asia 332
SA - Sud America 14
AF - Africa 8
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 1.700
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 752
CN - Cina 190
SE - Svezia 168
IE - Irlanda 146
IT - Italia 113
SG - Singapore 99
DE - Germania 42
FI - Finlandia 41
TR - Turchia 28
AT - Austria 13
BR - Brasile 12
UA - Ucraina 10
BE - Belgio 9
RU - Federazione Russa 8
CI - Costa d'Avorio 7
FR - Francia 7
CA - Canada 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
GB - Regno Unito 5
JP - Giappone 5
ME - Montenegro 5
HK - Hong Kong 4
NL - Olanda 4
IN - India 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
MX - Messico 2
BO - Bolivia 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EU - Europa 1
GT - Guatemala 1
IL - Israele 1
JM - Giamaica 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
PL - Polonia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
SN - Senegal 1
TW - Taiwan 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 1.700
Città #
Chandler 172
Dublin 146
Ann Arbor 83
Singapore 77
Santa Clara 72
Ashburn 38
Beijing 37
Dearborn 37
Parma 31
Boardman 28
Nanjing 28
Shanghai 27
Izmir 25
Bremen 21
Princeton 21
Wilmington 19
Chicago 17
Kunming 14
Jacksonville 13
Vienna 13
Helsinki 12
New York 12
Bologna 9
Brussels 9
Council Bluffs 9
Los Angeles 9
Shenyang 9
Moscow 8
Abidjan 7
Jiaxing 7
Seattle 7
Jinan 6
Nanchang 6
Tianjin 6
Crna Gora 5
Falls Church 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Hangzhou 5
Houston 5
Munich 5
San Mateo 5
Bari 4
Des Moines 4
Fairfield 4
Guangzhou 4
Hebei 4
Hefei 4
Redmond 4
Toronto 4
Woodbridge 4
Cantu 3
Changsha 3
Collecchio 3
Ferrara 3
Fremont 3
London 3
Milan 3
Ardea 2
Brunico 2
Castellammare di Stabia 2
Catania 2
Curitiba 2
Dallas 2
Ecatepec 2
Fidenza 2
Formigine 2
Fuzhou 2
Hong Kong 2
Istanbul 2
Macerata 2
Maser 2
Modena 2
Naples 2
Pittsburgh 2
Pune 2
Rome 2
Sofia 2
Taiyuan 2
Washington 2
Amsterdam 1
Augusta 1
Bauru 1
Belo Horizonte 1
Berlin 1
Borås 1
Bratislava 1
Brno 1
Casalecchio 1
Chaoyang 1
Chengdu 1
Contagem 1
Dakar 1
Dezhou 1
Dijon 1
Fornovo Di Taro 1
Friesland 1
Guatemala City 1
Guayaquil 1
Guiyang 1
Haikou 1
Totale 1.192
Nome #
Groundwater characterization from an ecological and human perspective: an interdisciplinary approach in the Functional Urban Area of Parma, Italy 192
Soil budget, net export and potential sinks of nitrogen in the lower Oglio River watershed (northern Italy) 127
Agricultural practices regulate the seasonality of groundwater-river nitrogen exchanges 100
Algal biomass and macroinvertebrate dynamics in intermittent braided rivers: new perspectives from instream pools 100
Influence of hydrological connectivity of riverine wetlands on nitrogen removal via denitrification 85
Testing the response of macroinvertebrate communities and biomonitoring indices under multiple stressors in a lowland regulated river 83
Mesohabitat mosaic in lowland braided rivers: Short-term variability of macroinvertebrate metacommunities 82
Nitrogen balance and fate in a heavily impacted watershed (Oglio River, Northern Italy): in quest of the missing sources and sinks 81
Daphnia diversity in water bodies of the Po River Basin. 81
Benthic nitrogen metabolism in a macrophyte meadow (Vallisneria spiralis L.) under increasing sedimentary organic matter loads 80
New physical and chemical perspectives on the ecology of Thorea hispida (Thoreaceae) 73
Application of QUAL2KW to the oglio river (Northern Italy) to assess diffuse n pollution via river-groundwater interaction 72
How do hydromorphological constraints and regulated flows govern macroinvertebrate communities along an entire lowland river? 67
Nitrogen uptake and coupled nitrification–denitrification in riverine sediments with benthic microalgae and rooted macrophytes 63
Vegetated canals mitigate nitrogen surplus in agricultural watersheds 62
Nitrogen inputs to a river course in a heavily impacted watershed: A combined hydrochemical and isotopic evaluation (Oglio River Basin, N Italy) 61
Rare but large bivalves alter benthic respiration and nutrient recycling in riverine sediments 58
Nitrogen budget in a lowland coastal area within the Po River Basin (Northern Italy): Multiple evidences of equilibrium between sources and internal sinks 58
Taxonomic and functional responses of benthic macroinvertebrate communities to hydrological and water quality variations in a heavily regulated river 58
Fragmentation and groundwater supply as major drivers of algal and plant diversity and relative cover dynamics along a highly modified lowland river 55
Is flood irrigation a potential driver of river-groundwater interactions and diffuse nitrate pollution in agricultural watersheds? 54
Squaring the cycle: The integration of Groundwater processes in nutrient budgets for a basin-oriented remediation Strategy 51
Totale 1.743
Categoria #
all - tutte 7.120
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 7.120

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202059 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 23 14 5
2020/202189 5 6 5 11 8 13 5 7 14 3 6 6
2021/2022127 10 6 1 22 4 5 13 9 2 6 6 43
2022/2023620 71 76 33 51 63 74 23 31 173 5 17 3
2023/2024176 13 16 9 2 15 34 16 13 14 7 11 26
2024/2025338 22 27 36 48 62 60 18 30 35 0 0 0
Totale 1.743