Electronics cooling, although subject of studies since the first semiconductor devices dawn, are still of great interest today, especially for the miniaturization of components and power modules. The power density increasing and the frequently needed high reliability lead to search new solutions with new tools. They are important because the thermal management is a key point of power converters, because it influences perfomance determining heat flow and temperature cycling. Thus, an overview of cooling techniques for power electronics and tools to simulate the heat spreading will be shown in this presentation, focusing on different numerical analysis based on multiphysics Finite Element Analysis and compact thermal models (e.g., Foster and Cauer networks) which can be useful for SPICE-like electro-thermal simulations. The aim is to show how coupled multiphysics models can be used for the cooling system design.
Global Summit on Electronics & Electrical Engineering (GSEEE 2021) / Delmonte, Nicola. - ELETTRONICO. - (2021). (Intervento presentato al convegno Global Summit on Electronics & Electrical Engineering (GSEEE 2021)).
Global Summit on Electronics & Electrical Engineering (GSEEE 2021)
Nicola Delmonte
Writing – Review & Editing
Electronics cooling, although subject of studies since the first semiconductor devices dawn, are still of great interest today, especially for the miniaturization of components and power modules. The power density increasing and the frequently needed high reliability lead to search new solutions with new tools. They are important because the thermal management is a key point of power converters, because it influences perfomance determining heat flow and temperature cycling. Thus, an overview of cooling techniques for power electronics and tools to simulate the heat spreading will be shown in this presentation, focusing on different numerical analysis based on multiphysics Finite Element Analysis and compact thermal models (e.g., Foster and Cauer networks) which can be useful for SPICE-like electro-thermal simulations. The aim is to show how coupled multiphysics models can be used for the cooling system design.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.