Present state and vulnerability to local pressures and climate change of lowland watercourses in the Po river watershed Here we report a synthesis of the present ecological status of lowland watercourses in the Po river valley and their vulnerability to local pressures and changes in large-scale climatic forcings. The Po watershed is subjected to severe anthropic impacts, especially in less elevated areas where human settlements and economic activities are mainly concentrated. The major critical issues are in particular water pollution and exploitation of surface- and ground-water resources, land use, changes in hydraulic and morphological characteristics of water bodies, biodiversity conservation. Concurrently, in the last decades an increased frequency of extreme meteorological events has been observed, paralleled by the oingoing climate change. This results in alteration of different components of the hydrological cycle and in a greater risk of droughts and floods; as a consequence, relevant impacts on water availability and functioning of aquatic ecosystems are also expected to occur. Evolutive trends of lowland rivers are discussed taking into account the uncertainty that pervades climate projections and their effects on hydrological and hydraulic variables. Future management scenarios must be supported by novel adaptive approaches that promote and enhance ecosystem services provided by water bodies, as well as the regulation of key ecological and biogeochemical processes which are essential to ensure good water quality. Issues generated by the interaction between local pressures and climate change need to be addressed at different scales, through actions endorsing a sustainable and wise use of resources and higher investments for the management of the environment and the landscape. In this view, a number of measures that can be used to improve ecological quality of watercourses and favour their adaptation to different stressors are briefly discussed. The fundamental role of scientific research in decision-making processes is also stressed.
In questo lavoro è proposta una sintesi dell’attuale stato ecologico e della vulnerabilità dei corsi d’acqua planiziali nel bacino del Po a pressioni locali e a cambiamenti che avvengono a grande scala. Il territorio padano è soggetto a impatti antropici particolarmente severi soprattutto nelle aree di pianura o fondovalle, dove si concentrano gli insediamenti umani e le attività produttive. Le principali criticità riguardano l’inquinamento delle acque e lo sfruttamento delle risorse idriche superficiali e sotterranee, l’uso dei suoli, gli interventi che provocano cambiamenti nelle condizioni idrauliche e morfologiche dei corpi idrici, la conservazione della biodiversità. Parallelamente, negli ultimi decenni è stata osservata una più elevata frequenza di eventi meteorologici estremi che, associati al cambiamento climatico in atto, hanno comportato variazioni in diverse componenti del ciclo idrologico con un aumento dei periodi di esposizione al rischio di siccità ed alluvioni e, a cascata, ripercussioni importanti sulla disponibilità idrica e sul funzionamento degli ecosistemi acquatici. Le tendenze evolutive dei corsi d’acqua planiziali sono discusse tenendo conto dell’incertezza che caratterizza le proiezioni climatiche e gli effetti su variabili idrologiche e idrauliche. Gli scenari futuri devono prevedere nuovi approcci gestionali di tipo adattativo in grado di preservare e potenziare i servizi ecosistemici dei corpi idrici e la regolazione dei processi ecologici e biogeochimici indispensabili per garantire una buona qualità delle acque. La soluzione dei problemi che derivano dall’interazione tra pressioni locali e cambiamenti climatici richiede infatti azioni a diversa scala, consistenti in una più attenta e sostenibile gestione delle risorse e maggiori investimenti nella manutenzione del territorio e dell’ambiente. In questa ottica, sono brevemente presentati possibili interventi di ripristino della qualità ecologica, di mitigazione e di adattamento agli impatti per i corsi d’acqua del bacino padano, evidenziando il ruolo chiave della ricerca scientifica a supporto delle decisioni.
Stato attuale e vulnerabilità dei tratti planiziali dei corsi d’acqua nel bacino del Po in relazione a pressioni locali e cambiamento climatico / Viaroli, Pierluigi; Bartoli, Marco; Bolpagni, Rossano; Pecora, Silvano; Rossetti, Giampaolo. - In: BIOLOGIA AMBIENTALE. - ISSN 1129-504X. - 28:2(2014), pp. 75-86.
Stato attuale e vulnerabilità dei tratti planiziali dei corsi d’acqua nel bacino del Po in relazione a pressioni locali e cambiamento climatico
VIAROLI, Pierluigi;BARTOLI, Marco;BOLPAGNI, Rossano;ROSSETTI, Giampaolo
Present state and vulnerability to local pressures and climate change of lowland watercourses in the Po river watershed Here we report a synthesis of the present ecological status of lowland watercourses in the Po river valley and their vulnerability to local pressures and changes in large-scale climatic forcings. The Po watershed is subjected to severe anthropic impacts, especially in less elevated areas where human settlements and economic activities are mainly concentrated. The major critical issues are in particular water pollution and exploitation of surface- and ground-water resources, land use, changes in hydraulic and morphological characteristics of water bodies, biodiversity conservation. Concurrently, in the last decades an increased frequency of extreme meteorological events has been observed, paralleled by the oingoing climate change. This results in alteration of different components of the hydrological cycle and in a greater risk of droughts and floods; as a consequence, relevant impacts on water availability and functioning of aquatic ecosystems are also expected to occur. Evolutive trends of lowland rivers are discussed taking into account the uncertainty that pervades climate projections and their effects on hydrological and hydraulic variables. Future management scenarios must be supported by novel adaptive approaches that promote and enhance ecosystem services provided by water bodies, as well as the regulation of key ecological and biogeochemical processes which are essential to ensure good water quality. Issues generated by the interaction between local pressures and climate change need to be addressed at different scales, through actions endorsing a sustainable and wise use of resources and higher investments for the management of the environment and the landscape. In this view, a number of measures that can be used to improve ecological quality of watercourses and favour their adaptation to different stressors are briefly discussed. The fundamental role of scientific research in decision-making processes is also stressed.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.