Dipartimento di Discipline Umanistiche, Sociali e delle Imprese Culturali
Risultati 1 - 14 di 14 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.009 secondi).
Alfonso Vagnone S.J.'s Tongyou Jiaoyu 童幼教育 (On the education of children, c. 1632): the earliest introduction of Renaissance pedagogy into late Ming China
2017-01-01 Falato, G
Alfonso Vagnone S.J.'s “Tongyou Jiaoyu 童幼教育 (Child Education)” and its contribution to the introduction of Western learning into late Ming China
2015-01-01 Falato, G
Alfonso Vagnone's Tongyou Jiaoyu 童幼教育 (On the Education of Children, c. 1632). The earliest encounter between Chinese and European pedagogy
2020-01-01 Falato, G
Annotazione alla Prefazione di Due mappamondi; Prefazione ai Metodi e principi della misurazione;Prefazione ai Principi del triangolo rettangolo;Breve spiegazione dell'immagine appesa del Creatore;Memoriale per chiedere rispettosamente l'impiego di Adam Schall von Bell e Giacomo Rho nella riforma del calendario;Elogio e ammonizione delle leggi e dei comandamenti della sacra dottrina
2020-01-01 Falato, G
Growing up in the inner chambers in late Tang times: moral duties and social expectations
2021-01-01 Falato, G
Influenze di Zhu Xi 朱熹 sull’opera di Alfonso Vagnone S.I. ‘Tongyou Jiaoyu 童幼教育 (L’educazione dei giovani, ca. 1632)’”
2017-01-01 Falato, Giulia
Language learning and negotiation: the experience of Jesuit translators in late imperial China
2021-01-01 Falato, G
Parents, children, mutual duties and relations: a European way of governing the family in a late Ming socio-cultural context
2020-01-01 Falato, G
Paving the way to a moral reform of the Jiangzhou community compact: the literary legacy of Alfonso Vagnone S.J.'s Tongyou Jiaoyu
2018-01-01 Falato, G
Recensione libro Li, Sher-shiueh / Meynard, Thierry, Jesuit Chreia in Late Ming China.Two Studies with an Annotated Translation of Alfonso Vagnone’s Illustrations of the Grand Dao, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2014. 373
2016-01-01 Falato, Giulia
Spazi, ruoli e precetti dell'istruzione giovanile nella Cina del primo periodo imperiale
2021-01-01 Falato, G
The concept of friendship in Alfonso Vagnone S.J.’s work "Tongyou Jiaoyu 童幼教育 (On the Education of Children, c.1632)"
2016-01-01 Falato, Giulia
The Five Human Relationships (wulun 五倫) as presented to European readers in François Noël’s translation of the Elementary learning (Xiaoxue 小學)
2024-01-01 Falato, Giulia
The influence of Zhu Xi on Alfonso Vagnone's treatise Tongyou Jiaoyu 童幼教育 (On the Education of Children, c. 1632)
2018-01-01 Falato, G