Dipartimento di Discipline Umanistiche, Sociali e delle Imprese Culturali
"Est Modus In Rebus”: Status Intermedio, Stabilità della Gerarchia Sociale e Confronto Intergruppi
2010-01-01 Caricati, Luca
A Large-Scale Test of the Reality Constraint and Ingroup Bias Accounts of Women's Support for Male Privilege
2024-01-01 Owuamalam, Ck; Caricati, L; Bonetti, C
A social identity model of system attitudes (SIMSA): Multiple explanations of system justification by the disadvantaged that do not depend on a separate system justification motive
2023-01-01 Rubin, M.; Kevin Owuamalam, C.; Spears, R.; Caricati, L.
A study on COVID-19-related stigmatization, quality of professional life and professional identity in a sample of HCWs in Italy
2022-01-01 Caricati, Luca; D'Agostino, Grazia; Sollami, Alfonso; Bonetti, Chiara
Allport meets internet: A meta-analytical investigation of online intergroup contact and prejudice reduction
2021-01-01 Imperato, C.; Schneider, B. H.; Caricati, L.; Amichai-Hamburger, Y.; Mancini, T.
Ambivalent stereotypes of nurses and physicians: impact on students' attitude toward interprofessional education
2015-01-01 Sollami, Alfonso; Caricati, Luca; Mancini, Tiziana
Are Gender Identities and Gender Ideologies Associated with the Variety and Type of Owned Sex Toys? Evidence from a Large Italian Sample of Cisgender Individuals
2024-01-01 Caricati, L; Bonetti, C; Rossi, F
Are rightists more nationalistic than leftists? A preliminary investigation of the moderating role of the value of national identity in an Italian sample
2019-01-01 Caricati, Luca
Aspetti psicosociali e relazionali in famiglie con figli affetti da malattie emorragiche congenite
2005-01-01 Caricati, Luca; Melotti, G.; Palareti, L.; Emiliani, F.
Association between coping strategies and drug use in a large cohort of students from a northern italian university
2021-01-01 Caricati, L.; Ferrari, D.
Attitudes towards Interprofessional Education among Medical and Nursing Students: the Role of Professional Identification and Intergroup Contact
2018-01-01 Sollami, Alfonso; Caricati, Luca; Mancini, Tiziana
Binge drinking: The role of group norms and ingroup identification in a sample of Italian young adults
2021-01-01 Caricati, L.; Terranova, V.
Considering intermediate-status groups in intergroup hierarchies: A theory of triadic social stratification
2018-01-01 Caricati, Luca
Contrasting explanations for status-legitimacy effects based on system justification theory and social identity theory
2018-01-01 Caricati, Luca; Sollami, Alfonso
COPE-NVI-25: validazione italiana della versione ridotta della Coping Orientation to the Problems Experienced (COPE-NVI).
2015-01-01 Foa', Chiara; Tonarelli, Annalisa; Caricati, Luca; Fruggeri, Laura
Cultural competence assessment instrument: Initial Italian validation and proposed refinement
2015-01-01 Caricati, L.; Dicembrino, R. B.; Gionti, L.; Petre, L.; Ungurean, L.
Cultural Competence Assessment Instrument: Initial Italian validation and proposed refinement
2015-01-01 Caricati, Luca; Dicembrino, RITA BRUNA; Gionti, Luciano; Petre, Lucica; Ungurean, Liana
Cultural group norms for harmony explain the puzzling negative association between objective status and system justification in Asia
2023-01-01 Owuamalam, Chuma Kevin; Tan, Chee Meng; Caricati, Luca; Rubin, Mark; Spears, Russell
Development and validation of a scale for measuring the Economic System Justification (ESJ)
2008-01-01 Caricati, Luca
Do Superordinate Identification and Temporal/Social Comparisons Independently Predict Citizens’ System Trust? Evidence From a 40-Nation Survey
2021-01-01 Caricati, L.; Owuamalam, C. K.; Bonetti, C.