A conceptual hydrogeological model of ophiolitic aquifers (serpentinised peridotite): The test example of Mt. Prinzera (Northern Italy)
2017-01-01 Segadelli, Stefano; Vescovi, Paolo; Ogata, Kei; Chelli, Alessandro; Zanini, Andrea; Boschetti, Tiziano; Petrella, Emma; Toscani, Lorenzo; Gargini, Alessandro; Celico, Fulvio
A preliminary study on the effects of rainfall-related conditions on chromium increase in ultramafic-hosted springs: A possible climate change concern?
2025-01-01 Boschetti, Tiziano; Segadelli, Stefano; Gori, Francesca; Antolini, Gabriele; Bellini, Lisa; Raso, Alessandra; Selmo, Enricomaria; Barbieri, Maurizio; Iacumin, Paola; Guidetti, Emilio; Gargini, Alessandro
Ecohydrogeology: The interdisciplinary convergence needed to improve the study and stewardship of springs and other groundwater-dependent habitats, biota, and ecosystems
2020-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Stevens, L. E.; Segadelli, S.; Springer, A. E.; Goldscheider, N.; Celico, F.; Filippini, M.; Ogata, K.; Gargini, A.
Estimation of recharge in mountain hard-rock aquifers based on discrete spring discharge monitoring during base-flow recession
2021-01-01 Segadelli, S.; Filippini, M.; Monti, A.; Celico, F.; Gargini, A.
Monitoring and modelling groundwater flow systems in hard rock aquifers: Experiences from northern Apennines (Italy). International Conference on grounwater in fractured rocks, Prague 21-24 may
2012-01-01 Gargini, Alessandro; De Nardo, M. T.; Segadelli, S.; Piccini, L.; Vincenzi, V.
Monitoring and modelling groundwater flow systems in sedimentary and ophiolitic aquifers: experiences from Northern Apennines (Italy). In "Fractured aquifers", J.Sharp & U. Trogger (Eds), Green Book Series of the International of Hydrogeologists
2014-01-01 Gargini, Alessandro; De Nardo, M. T.; Piccinini, L.; Segadelli, S.; Vincenzi, V.
Spring as main groundwater dependent ecosystems.
2012-01-01 Cantonati, Marco; Gargini, Alessandro; Segadelli, S.; Angeli, N.; Spitale, D.; De Nardo, M. T.