Orazio Della Rena was a diplomat for the Medici dynasty who spent a long period of time at the Court of Spain between the reigns of Philip II and Philip III (from 1591 to 1605). This essay examines an important work of his, the Monarchia spagnuola which he completed in 1602 and which has come down to us in manuscript. In it Della Rena looks at the reigns Philip II and Philip III from two main perspectives: the first has to do with how the Spanish sovereigns managed to approach local elites in the territories under their control and get them involved them in the organs of government, especially in the Italian peninsula; the second concerns the political power dynamics at Court both under Philip II and his successor, after a new form of government was introduced through the presence of a valido, the duke of Lerma. The analysis of Orazio Della Rena’s remarks on these aspects highlights his ability to describe and grasp political dynamics at many different levels and it sheds new light on his activity as cultural interpreter by means of which he was able to render the structures and resources of Spain immediately comprehensible to his own sovereign, the Grand Duke of Tuscany Ferdinand I (1587-1609).
Orazio Della Rena fu un diplomatico mediceo che trascorse alla Corte di Spagna un lungo periodo a cavallo dei regni di Filippo II e Filippo III (dal 1591 al 1605). Il saggio analizza un suo importante scritto, la Monarchia spagnuola, completato nel 1602 e arrivato a noi in forma manoscritta. In esso sono presi in esame sia il regno di Filippo II che quello di Filippo III, secondo due linee principali: in primo luogo quanto alle modalità con le quali i sovrani spagnoli seppero avvicinare e coinvolgere negli organismi di governo le élites dei territori posti sotto il loro dominio, in particolar modo quelli nella penisola italiana; in secondo luogo a proposito delle dinamiche politiche in atto a Corte per il controllo del potere sia sotto Filippo II che sotto il suo successore, quando fu introdotta la nuova forma di governo attraverso la presenza di un valido, il duca di Lerma. L’analisi delle considerazioni di Orazio Della Rena su questi aspetti mette in evidenza la sua capacità di descrivere e comprendere a molti livelli le dinamiche politiche e permette di gettare nuova luce sull’operazione culturale del diplomatico mediceo che rendeva immediatamente comprensibile al proprio sovrano, il granduca di Toscana Ferdinando I (1587-1609), la struttura e le risorse della grande potenza spagnola.
Politica e Corte di Spagna ai primi del Seicento. L'inedita Monarchia spagnuola di Orazio Della Rena / Volpini, Paola. - STAMPA. - (2015), pp. 197-222.
Politica e Corte di Spagna ai primi del Seicento. L'inedita Monarchia spagnuola di Orazio Della Rena
Orazio Della Rena was a diplomat for the Medici dynasty who spent a long period of time at the Court of Spain between the reigns of Philip II and Philip III (from 1591 to 1605). This essay examines an important work of his, the Monarchia spagnuola which he completed in 1602 and which has come down to us in manuscript. In it Della Rena looks at the reigns Philip II and Philip III from two main perspectives: the first has to do with how the Spanish sovereigns managed to approach local elites in the territories under their control and get them involved them in the organs of government, especially in the Italian peninsula; the second concerns the political power dynamics at Court both under Philip II and his successor, after a new form of government was introduced through the presence of a valido, the duke of Lerma. The analysis of Orazio Della Rena’s remarks on these aspects highlights his ability to describe and grasp political dynamics at many different levels and it sheds new light on his activity as cultural interpreter by means of which he was able to render the structures and resources of Spain immediately comprehensible to his own sovereign, the Grand Duke of Tuscany Ferdinand I (1587-1609).I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.