Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali
A survival analysis of public guaranteed loans: Does the Financial intermediary Matter?
2021-01-01 Caselli, S.; Corbetta, G.; Cucinelli, D.; Rossolini, M.
Advisors for micro-entrepreneurs: is one as good as another in accessing alternative finance?
2024-01-01 Soana, Maria Gaia; Cucinelli, Doriana; Ronchini, Beatrice
All that Glitters is Not Gold! Could M&AsPost-Bank Reforms be Just a Tool forBalance Sheet Embellishment?
2024-01-01 Cucinelli, Doriana; Ielasi, Federica; Zambelli, Simona
Are financially illiterate individuals all the same? A study on incorrect and “do not know” answers to financial knowledge questions
2023-01-01 Soana, Maria Gaia; Cucinelli, Doriana
Bank business model migrations in Europe: determinants and effects
2021-01-01 Ayadi, R; Bongini, P; Casu, B; Cucinelli, D
Bank business models in MENA and African countries: the relevance of contextual variables
2023-01-01 Ayadi, Rym; Bongini, Paola; Casu, Barbara; Cucinelli, Doriana
Bank credit risk management and risk culture
2017-01-01 Cucinelli, D; Patarnello, A
Better the Devil You Know: The Impact of Brexit Political Uncertainty on European Financial Markets
2020-01-01 Soana, Maria Gaia; Schwizer, Paola Gina Maria; Cucinelli, Doriana; Farina, Vincenzo
Brexit and the Banking Sector: The Stock Market Reaction of UK and European Banks
2021-01-01 Cucinelli, D; Soana, M. G.; Schwizer, P.
Can speed kill? The cyclical effect of a rapid credit growth: evidence from the Italian banking sector
2016-01-01 Cucinelli, Doriana
Climate and environment risks and opportunities in the banking industry: The role of risk management
2024-01-01 Cucinelli, Doriana; Nieri, Laura; Piserà, Stefano
Cooperative banks, business models and efficiency: A stochastic frontier approach analysis
2023-01-01 Ayadi, Rym; Challita, Sandra; Cucinelli, Doriana
Corporate governance in Italy: the evolution of corporate governance of Italian listed companies during the recent financial turmoil
2017-01-01 Cucinelli, D; Mascia, D
Corporate social irresponsibility: The relationship between ESG misconduct and the cost of equity
2023-01-01 Becchetti, Leonardo; Cucinelli, Doriana; Ielasi, Federica; Rossolini, Monica
Credit risk in European banks: The bright side of the Internal Ratings Based approach
2018-01-01 Cucinelli, D; Di Battista, Ml; Marchese, M; Nieri, L
Crediti deteriorati: quali soluzioni prospettano le banche italiane?
2015-01-01 Cucinelli, D; Patarnello, A
Customer and Advisor Financial Decisions: the Theory of Planned Behavior Perspective
2016-01-01 Soana, Maria Gaia; Gandolfi, Gino; Cucinelli, Doriana
Do Banks lend their Umbrellas only when it's Sunny?
2016-01-01 Cucinelli, D; Di Battista, Ml; Marchese, M; Nieri, L
Do bond yields follow the hierarchy of risk post BRRD?
2021-01-01 Cucinelli, D.; Gai, L.; Ielasi, F.
Do the organizational choices really affect credit risks? Some evidence from Italian banks
2019-01-01 Cucinelli, D; Ielasi, F; Patarnello, A