PINNOCK, Frances
PINNOCK, Frances
Artistic Genres in Early Syrian Syria. Image and Ideology of Power in a Great Pre-Classical Urban Civilisation in Its Formative Phases
2008-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
Byblos and Ebla in the 3rd Millennium BC. Two Urban Patterns in Comparison
2007-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
Change and Continuity of Art in Syria Viewed from Ebla
2004-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
Donne straniere e donne vinte nella cultura figurativa neoassira
2003-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
EBIVB-MBI in Northern Syria: Crisis and Change of a Mature Urban Civilisation
2009-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
Le tombe delle regine assire sotto il Palazzo Nord-Ovest di Nimrud
2008-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
Lineamenti di storia dell'arte del Vicino Oriente antico
2004-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
Materiali e Studi Archeologici di Ebla, II. Le perle del Palazzo Reale G
1993-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
Materiali e Studi Archeologici di Ebla, VI. La ceramica del Palazzo Settentrionale del Bronzo medio II
2005-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
Middle Bronze Ceramic Horizon at Ebla: Typology and Chronology
2008-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
Motivi orientali nell'arte occidentale: le ragioni di una trasmissione
2007-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
Note sull'iconografia di Melqart
2002-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
Of Servants and Priestesses. An Analysis of Some Female Characters in Mesopotamian and Syrian Art
2008-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
Osservazioni sulla glittica di Alalakh
2003-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
Paying Homage to the King. Protocol and Ritual in Old Syrian Art
2006-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
Semiramide e le sue sorelle. Immagini di donne nell'antica Mesopotamia
2006-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
Some Thoughts about the Transmission of Iconographies between North Syria and Cappadocia, End of the Third-Beginning of the Second Millennium BC
2000-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
The Raw Lapis Lazuli in the Royal Palace G of Ebla: New Evidences from the Annexes of the Throne Room
2006-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
The Relations between North Syria and Iran in the Early Second Millennium BC: A Contribution from Ebla Metalworking
2000-01-01 Pinnock, Frances
The Stele from Halawa: A Reappraisal
2008-01-01 Pinnock, Frances