TOSCANI, Lorenzo

TOSCANI, Lorenzo  

Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, della Vita e della Sostenibilità Ambientale  

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A conceptual hydrogeological model of ophiolitic aquifers (serpentinised peridotite): The test example of Mt. Prinzera (Northern Italy) 1-gen-2017 Segadelli, Stefano; Vescovi, Paolo; Ogata, Kei; Chelli, Alessandro; Zanini, Andrea; Boschetti, Tiziano; Petrella, Emma; Toscani, Lorenzo; Gargini, Alessandro; Celico, Fulvio
Abiotic Methane in the Hyperalkaline Springs of Genova, Italy 1-gen-2013 Boschetti, Tiziano; G., Etiope; Toscani, Lorenzo
Andesites of the late-hercynian volcanic sequence in Trentino Alto Adige (Northen Italy). 1-gen-1988 Di Battistini, G.; Bargossi, G. M.; Spotti, G.; Toscani, Lorenzo
Boron isotope geochemistry of Na-bicarbonate, Na-chloride, and Ca-chloride waters from the Northern Apennine Foredeep basin: other pieces of the sedimentary basin puzzle 1-gen-2015 Boschetti, Tiziano; Toscani, Lorenzo; SALVIOLI MARIANI, Emma
Boron, lithium and methane isotope composition of hyperalkaline waters (Northern Apennines, Italy): Terrestrial serpentinization or mixing with brine? 1-gen-2013 Boschetti, Tiziano; G., Etiope; M., Pennisi; R., Millot; Toscani, Lorenzo
Carbonates of magmatic origin in Spanish lamproitic rocks 1-gen-1989 Venturelli, G.; Barbieri, M.; Capedri, S.; Poppi, L.; SALVIOLI MARIANI, Emma; Toscani, Lorenzo; Zerbi, M.
Chemical and isotope composition of the oilfield brines from Mishrif Formation (southern Iraq): Diagenesis and geothermometry 1-gen-2020 Boschetti, Tiziano; Awadh, Salih Muhammad; Al-Mimar, Heba Sadoon; Iacumin, Paola; Toscani, Lorenzo; Selmo, Enricomaria; Yaseen, Zaher Mundher
Cr-Zr-armalcolite-bearing lamproites of Cancarix, SE Spain. 1-gen-1993 Contini, S.; Venturelli, Gianpiero; Toscani, Lorenzo; Capedri, S.; Barbieri, M.
Determinazione simultanea di 17 elementi mediante ICP-MS in campioni di acque interagenti con rocce ultramafiche e basaltiche dell'Appennino settentrionale 1-gen-2001 Boschetti, Tiziano; Mangia, Alessandro; Mucchino, Claudio; Toscani, Lorenzo
Genesis of the hydrothermal gold deposits in the Canan area, Lepaguare District, Honduras 1-gen-2014 Mattioli, M.; Menichetti, M.; Renzulli, A.; Toscani, Lorenzo; SALVIOLI MARIANI, Emma; Suarez, P.; Murroni, A.
Geochemical features of the H2S-bearing waters of the Tabiano baths, Parma province, Italy. 1-gen-2000 Toscani, Lorenzo; Venturelli, G.; Savini, E.
Geochemistry and petrogenesis of Tethyan ophiolites from Northern Argolis (Peloponnesus, Greece). 1-gen-1991 Dostal, J.; Toscani, Lorenzo; Photiades, A.; Capedri, S.
Geochemistry and petrogenesis of two-pyroxene andesites from Sierra de Gata (SE Spain). 1-gen-1990 Toscani, Lorenzo; Venturelli, Gianpiero; Barbieri, M.; Capedri, S.; Fernandez Soler, J. M.; Oddone, M.
Geochemistry of basaltic and gabbroid metaophiolites from the Susa Valley, Italian Western Alps. 1-gen-1985 Pognante, U.; Toscani, Lorenzo
Geochemistry of spring and well waters and mineralogy of the interacting rocks in the Logudoro region (NW Sardinia, Italy) 1-gen-1999 Venturelli, Gianpiero; Caboi, R.; Frau, F.; Toscani, Lorenzo
Geochemistry of the thermal waters of Bagni di Lucca, Italy 1-gen-2002 Boschetti, Tiziano; Toscani, Lorenzo; Mucchino, Claudio
Geothermometry and water–rock interaction modelling at Hafralækur: Possible implications of temperature and CO2 on hydrogeochemical changes previously linked to earthquakes in northern Iceland 1-gen-2022 Boschetti, Tiziano; Barbieri, Maurizio; Barberio, Marino Domenico; Skelton, Alasdair; Stockmann, Gabrielle; Toscani, Lorenzo
Glass-bearing crustal xenoliths (buchites) erupted during the recent activity of Stromboli (Aeolian Islands). 1-gen-2005 SALVIOLI MARIANI, Emma; Renzulli, A.; Serri, G.; Holm, P. M.; Toscani, Lorenzo
Glass-bearing crustal xenoliths (buchites) erupted during the recent activity of Stromboli (Aeolian Islands). 1-gen-2005 SALVIOLI MARIANI, Emma; Renzulli, A.; Serri, G.; Holm, P. M.; Toscani, Lorenzo
Gold mineralisations in the Canan area, Lepaguare District, east-central Honduras: Fluid inclusions and geochemical constraints on gold deposition 1-gen-2015 SALVIOLI MARIANI, Emma; Toscani, Lorenzo; Boschetti, Tiziano; Bersani, Danilo; Mattioli, M.