Sfoglia per Autore
The Siberian Overflights issue
2011-01-01 Carpanelli, E
The Protection of the Earth Natural Environment Through Space Activities: A General Overview of Some Legal Issues
2012-01-01 Carpanelli, E; Force, Mk
La pratica dei pagamenti per i diritti di sorvolo della Siberia: ultimi sviluppi
2012-01-01 Carpanelli, E
A Legal Assessment of the 1996 Declaration on Space Benefits on the Occasion of its Fifteenth Anniversary
2012-01-01 Carpanelli, E.; Cohen, B.
"Just Culture" and the Italian Approach towards Aircraft Accident Investigation
2013-01-01 Carpanelli, E; Bricchi, G
La Corte di Strasburgo si pronuncia in M.Y.H. e altri c. Svezia: verso una minore tutela per i richiedenti asilo?
2013-01-01 Carpanelli, E
Extraordinary Renditions e diritti umani: alcune riflessioni sul caso Abu Omar
2013-01-01 Carpanelli, E
Interpreting "Damage Caused by Space Objects" under the 1972 Liability Convention
2014-01-01 Carpanelli, E; Cohen, B
Alcune riflessioni sulla Commissione di Verità, Giustizia e Riconciliazione in Kenya
2014-01-01 Carpanelli, E
Risk of Fragmentation or Cross-Fertilization Strengthening Legal Uniformity? The Case of the Right to the Truth
2014-01-01 Carpanelli, E
Does National Security Allow States to Withhold Information from Classified Files? Some Remarks on the Al-Nashiri v. Poland and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland Judgments
2015-01-01 Carpanelli, E
Il difficile dialogo tra dimensione universale e dimensione regionale sulle emissioni di gas a effetto serra derivanti dall’aviazione civile internazionale
2015-01-01 Carpanelli, E
On the Inviolability of Diplomatic Archives and Documents: The 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations to the Test of Wikileaks
2015-01-01 Carpanelli, E
General Principles of International Law: Struggling with A Slippery Concept
2015-01-01 Carpanelli, E
Corte di Cassazione (Sez. I penale), 9 September 2015, No. 40699, Procuratore della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Brescia v. E.E. N. IL. and H.M.N.IL
2016-01-01 Carpanelli, E
Cooperative Ventures between Air Carriers: Time to Reform the International Rules?
2016-01-01 Carpanelli, E
Possible Conflicts between the Preservation of Culture and the Protection of the Environment: The Status of Judicial Practice and the Role of Systemic Interpretation
2016-01-01 Carpanelli, E
Transitional Justice in Colombia: Shadows and Lights of the Agreement on Victims of the Conflict, in Diritti umani e Diritto internazionale
2017-01-01 Carpanelli, E
PNR: Passenger Name Record, Problem not Resolved? The Conundrum of the EU PNR Legal Framework after CJEU’s Opinion 1/15
2017-01-01 Carpanelli, E; Lazzerini, N
Sul diritto di accesso alle informazioni di interesse pubblico detenute dallo Stato: alcune riflessioni critiche a margine della sentenza della Corte di Strasburgo nel caso Magyar Helsinki Bizottság c. Ungheria
2017-01-01 Carpanelli, E
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